Energy drinks....

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Because I'm a nut and have a reckless disregard for my own life...

Well, not really.

I bought a can of that "Red Bull" stuff on my way into the office this evening.

It's not bad. I'm not sure I'd get it again because with 27g of sugar for only 8.3 fluid ounces, it's doesn't seem like the best thing to drink for a sweets fix.

I guess the "ingredient in question" is this "glucuronolactone" stuff. The urban legend is that it's a manufactured substance developed during the Vietnam War by the US government to give it's GI's a pep while in the field.

It's actually a naturally occuring substance found within the human body that forms as glucose is broken down. It's believed to help remove harmful substances and gives a little energy boost, probably part of the chemical reaction involved in breaking down glucose if you remember any of your cell biology classes...

Apologies to folks who flunked biology, my father's a college professor on the subject so I can't help but know this stuff... =)

Anyways. I'm usually partial to the Elements drinks from Snapple. I've been drinking about 3-5 bottles (no more than one in a day) a week and have been watching my INR which hasn't changed in months (last change was most likely a result in a change of my medication list.)

I have noticed that if I have the Elements stuff too late at night I can't sleep well, it keeps me up all night. Beyond that, nothing.

Used to be one for coffee but I've all but disavowed the stuff since having a few rough coughing fits while/after drinking it. I think it's become a trigger for acid reflux which I've been recieving treatment for (that new med that upset my protimes for a while when I started it.)

Everyone needs their vices... I avoid alcohol so I guess I'm allowed this.

Right? :rolleyes:
Man, That Red Bull Would Do Me In...LOL

Man, That Red Bull Would Do Me In...LOL

Hi Harpoon,
I was wondering what that Red Bull would taste like, however, being diabetic, I would really be sent into outer orbit if I even had a small taste of it...Is it really really really sweet?
Isn't there a lot of caffiene in it as well? I have to steer clear of any "leaded" beverage.
Can't recall the caffiene content. Most beverage producers these days list ingredients (and FDA daily allowances statistics) on their websites here or there. Bed Bull had theirs up, forgot what it was though.

It didn't taste REALLY sweet, not the "hurt your teeth" kind of sweet anyways.

It was decent, but nothing special or worth drinking again.

The Snapple DragonFire stuff (based on dragon fruit which I've never heard of) is EXTREMELY sweet and I wouldn't buy it again.
A European study found basically no ill effects on the healthy from Red Bull constituents, with only a slight elevation of blood taurine levels in heavy consumers (three cans or more per day, every day). As such, aside from the caffeine and sugar levels, it seems not to be an issue.

Red Bull is the only energy drink that has bothered to do toxicity studies on its ingredients, by the way. Good for them, I say. They are showing evidence of responsibility.

Some other energy drinks are not so harmless for people with heart issues. Some contain caffeine and Guaranáá or guaranine.

I looked up Guaranáá. Here's a quote: "consists of a crystallizable principle, called guaranine, identical with caffeine, which exists in the seeds, united with tannic acid, catechutannic acid starch, and a greenish fixed oil." To restate the above, Guaraná = guaranine = caffeine. In short, you're not just getting the amount of caffeine shown, you're getting a lot more.

We know there's some arrythmic risk with caffeine consumption, and most of us play that risk to some extent. It's just good to know how much you're actually getting when you do.

Best wishes,
tobagotwo said:
We know there's some arrythmic risk with caffeine consumption, and most of us play that risk to some extent. It's just good to know how much you're actually getting when you do.

Best wishes,

I gamble with chocolate! :D

Years ago, when I was getting bad headaches, I took 2 Excederine (without looking at the content :( ) and it nearly put me in the ER. This was pre-valve replacement when I was having bad arrhythmia trouble. I had sworn off caffiene years prior due to fibrocystic breast disease. I called the pharmacist to see if he had any words of wisdom. He told me by taking the Excederine I had basically had 2 big cups of really strong coffee. I believe Bayer aspirin also has caffiene.

I tried Red Bull once. The following day, I went into Atrial flutter. First time that ever happened... and the last time I will ever try any of those high energy drinks.

I'm not sure if it was that or some meds that were the cause, perhaps a combination of both. Just thought it would be worth mentioning .

ALCapshaw2 said:
Harpoon -

Which Reflux Medication disrupted your INR?
What was the exact effect?


It was Prilosec OTC, I think the dose is 20mg once a day (I take it in the mornings, warafin gets taken at night before dinner) whatever the package directs.

We noticed a slight change in my INR when I started taking the Prilosec in mid-June and adjusted my warafin dose accordingly. There were no other observable changes, no obvious bruising or clotting or bleeding or whatever.

Dose was 7mg, now I take 7.5mg, I get to split a 5mg pill every other day with my guillotine... =)

A similar shift came up when I went off Amiodarone last fall. I was at 9mg of warafin, went down to 7.

By the way, the prilosec seems to be REALLY effective for reflux...

I've had a few different doctors (including my cardiologist) check to see if there might be any negative drug interactions. They all seemed to think not. I haven't found any either thus far.