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I've just concluded a 6 week period where I would periodically run a low grade of fever (100-101.9) for a period of a few hours which was brought down by a few Advil. During this time, my PCP put me on Levofloxacin for two separate periods, once for 14 days and once for 10 days over this 6 week period. Thinking about sinusitis. I also had my annual consultation with my cardiologist during this period and he made sure I knew to take antibiotics if my temp got over 101.4 and didn't go down with Advil and call him the next day if I was still febrile. Of course the temp always went down. It seems that I would always get a brief fever about 5 days after antibiotics were completed. During this time, I took a few blood cultures, albeit once with 500mg amoxicillin in my system, and the cultures came back negative and white blood counts also negative. Had a chest x-ray during this time, (negative) as well as flying out of town for my mother in law's funeral. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, 6/27/14, I took another blood culture after running fever and result was positive infection in bloodstream. Started on amoxicillin/clavulanate two days later. A few days later, 7/1/14, I started to get this pain in my right hand practically overnight and it swelled about 0.5 inch. Anyway, admitted to hospital on 7/3/14 and was discharged on 7/7/14. In the hospital, Infectious Disease doctor ordered twice a day doses of Ceftriaxone (Rocephin ) 2 gm. Infectious disease doctor indicated a sub acute strep bacteria. She suspected that infection flickered and wound up in my right hand. Echo and TEE confirmed a <1 cm vegetation on anterior leaflet of mitral valve. My repair was on the posterior leaflet fwiw. No damage to the mitral valve. So treatment going forward is 6 weeks on iv antibiotics taken at home. 30 minutes a day after dinner to accommodate our schedule. A PICC line was placed in my arm and we administer the iv ourselves. Pretty dumbed down although my wife is a nurse. However, I am a bit depressed about this. I don't seem to know how I got this? My last dental cleaning was last October and I had an endoscopy/colonoscopy last November. I wonder if this is going to be reoccurring? I believe my dental meds will be changed from basic amoxicillin. I've put off my cleaning for a few months while all this has been going on and the ID doctor said it would be a good time to get dental work done while on the iv antibiotics. Maybe I'm a high risk case now? Maybe I need to run to the ER whenever I get a fever although this is the first fever I can remember in 40 years seriously. I hope to know more where I followup with the ID and cardiologist. Did I miss the 4th of July?