So Cleveland Clinic called me today to ask if I was interested in joining the trial for Eliquis vs. Warfarin. I spent time talking to them about the trial and such and told them my concerns. I mentioned I was less than impressed with the On-X sampling to get 1.5-2.0 INR approved so was curious how many people in this study. She did not know, but said she would try and find out. They prescribe does based on age and kidney function, for me would typically be 5mg 2x daily. Entering the trial gives you 50/50 chance of being selected for Eliquis or to be the baseline warfarin user. I chatted for a while with the person stating that warfarin has decades of proven history with all the know pros and cons. I signed up, but more to hope for the warfarin side and will likely decline if I am chosen for the Eliquis side. With no way to measure the effectiveness what it is doing or not I prefer the old school method.