Elevated PSA and Coumadin

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2005
Olympia, Washington
This will only apply to the male members. Has anyone had a elevated PSA after being placed on Coumadin? Just got a call from my doctor that it was elevated, he feels that it is a false reading, however the hospital managed to give me a prostrate infection from what we believe was the catheter being dirty. Just got off Cipro about a month ago, which as you know blew my INR, so I had to start from square one again. I am now 4 months past surgery.
My husband has had elevated PSA results, not after surgery, but years later. His PCP and Uruologist both have said that is not uncommon in older gentelmen. A follow-up test should put things right. Don't think it has anything to do with anticoagulation.
The high PSA is not from warfarin. Just a catheter insertion can raise it. An infection will raise it further. The PSA is a measure of inflammation. It is not a direct measure of prostate size, cancer or anything else. You should measure it again in about 6 months and see if it changes. It it goes down, then you do not have cancer or even BPH. They can only increase it, not lower it. That would mean that it was infection.

I'm pretty well up on PSA. I am coming up on 2 years since I had mine frozen out because of cancer. So far I have had 3 forms of cancer and am still kicking.
allodwick said:
The high PSA is not from warfarin. Just a catheter insertion can raise it. An infection will raise it further. The PSA is a measure of inflammation. It is not a direct measure of prostate size, cancer or anything else. You should measure it again in about 6 months and see if it changes. It it goes down, then you do not have cancer or even BPH. They can only increase it, not lower it. That would mean that it was infection.

I'm pretty well up on PSA. I am coming up on 2 years since I had mine frozen out because of cancer. So far I have had 3 forms of cancer and am still kicking.

Keep kicking, Al! We need you. Warm regards Marty