Debrinha GT
Well-known member
Dear friends, a couple of weeks ago I posted about having been to a hospital nearby to see a doctor about the palpitations I'd been getting, probably as a result of too many arguments with family members lately. By the way, my mum and I haven't said a single word to each other for two weeks now and there's no sign of any changes. Anyway, the doctor who saw me wasn't a cardio but got this nurse to run an EKG on me. Well, I couldn't help overhearing a conversation between her and another worker about something someone had said about her, and she was extremmely upset about it. I even remember thinking that I should just leave it since she was in a bad mood about something, but didn't. My turn came and the machine wouldn't work. She was friendly enough, but kept tearing up the bits of paper that came out wrong, if you get what I mean. About five minutes later, she finally got the thing to work, but by that time, I felt that the whole thing was a mess and that exam wouldn't be accurate at all. I went to get the result a few days later and there it was: things that have never been mentioned by my cardio before, and I do get an EKG every three months. I have an appointment with my cardio for this coming Wednesday and I'll tell him all about it and show him the exam, of course. But until then, I can't help wondering about whether the problem really was the machine/nurse, or there have been changes for the worst in my condition. My question to you is: is this sort of thing likely to happen? I've sen the ones I get done at my cardio's office, the little lines look straight, but in this one, they were all over the place!! I hope I get a few comments from you! Thanks in advance!