EKG, what can go wrong?

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Dear friends, a couple of weeks ago I posted about having been to a hospital nearby to see a doctor about the palpitations I'd been getting, probably as a result of too many arguments with family members lately. By the way, my mum and I haven't said a single word to each other for two weeks now and there's no sign of any changes. Anyway, the doctor who saw me wasn't a cardio but got this nurse to run an EKG on me. Well, I couldn't help overhearing a conversation between her and another worker about something someone had said about her, and she was extremmely upset about it. I even remember thinking that I should just leave it since she was in a bad mood about something, but didn't. My turn came and the machine wouldn't work. She was friendly enough, but kept tearing up the bits of paper that came out wrong, if you get what I mean. About five minutes later, she finally got the thing to work, but by that time, I felt that the whole thing was a mess and that exam wouldn't be accurate at all. I went to get the result a few days later and there it was: things that have never been mentioned by my cardio before, and I do get an EKG every three months. I have an appointment with my cardio for this coming Wednesday and I'll tell him all about it and show him the exam, of course. But until then, I can't help wondering about whether the problem really was the machine/nurse, or there have been changes for the worst in my condition. My question to you is: is this sort of thing likely to happen? I've sen the ones I get done at my cardio's office, the little lines look straight, but in this one, they were all over the place!! I hope I get a few comments from you! Thanks in advance!
Débora :confused:
Hi Debora

Hi Debora

I would definately tell the cardio,that she was not focused on what she was doing at the time,and insist on another ecg being done.
Best Wishes
I'll do that!

I'll do that!

Thanks for your reply. Within two days I'll finally find out whether the problem was the EKG machine, the nurse who did the exam or I'm really getting sicker. Please, keep me in your prayers!
Well your too spunky for anything to be wrong, so I've already ruled that out. I think your going to find that everything is just fine in the end.
I think you're OK as well. I've watched about a bazillion of Joe's heart monitors in the hospital, which an EKG machine is, essentially. Those things are sensitive to any movement, and the lines will go all over the place if things aren't really still. If the tech was tearing off strips of paper and moving around the machine, and even causing you to move unnecessarily, it could be all off.

Ask to have it repeated.

Some people have had unusual results from sensors being off, not attached right or not in the right place.
That's encouraging!

That's encouraging!

Thank you Ross and Nancy for your positive replies. I also remember that she asked me to hold my breath for a few seconds during the exam, something I've never been asked to do before. Any ideas of why?!! I sincerely hope you are right because I really don't feel anything out of the ordinary.
Gina, I found a bunch of stuff on technician error as well. When I had my appendix out (well before it actually came out) my monitor would show all sorts of stuff as I rolled around in pain. It was due to my movement, not any arrythmia. Have you talked to an actual caridio?
Many of the EKG machines are programmed to give a computer interpretation of the graph. These are based on some given "normals". Since our hearts aren't exactly "normal" I think many of the readings are not applicable. Let your cardio make the call.
One day away!

One day away!

By this time tomorrow I should be at the cardio's for my appointment at 5:30pm. The good thing is that he'll tell me right away exactly what's going on. Until then, all I can do is wait and look forward to being well. Thanks a lot for your support. Whatever he says, I'll post an update in here as soon as I get home. God bless you!
Débora :)
Just one more thing?

Just one more thing?

Should I take some tranquilizer before going to bed tonight and then an hour before my appointment tomorrow just to make sure I feel more relaxed? I have lorax at home but I hardly ever take it unless I'm feeling under a lot of pressure or when I get those annoying palpitations. Thank you again.
No, no, no don't take ANYthing that will do ANYthing to you other than your regular meds. You want an accurate picture of what is happening, not something that is artificially slowed down. Wait till after the EKG.

Wishing you all the best tomorrow. You'll be fine. You're too alert to have bad things happening. If something shows, maybe it's just stress.
For a change!

For a change!

I didn't think that tranquilizers could alter the results of an exam, and I'm happy I asked. I've always taken something to help me get a bit calmer on these occasions, but I suppose you're right Nancy. This time I want to clear up doubts so, I'd better just try and relax. I'll only take my propranolol 40mg later on as usual. Thanks a lot for your concern and advice.
Relief at Last

Relief at Last

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is OK. That exam I'd done was all wrong, badly done by a nurse instead of a doctor. The woman hardly knew how to hold the machine, but now everything is fine. The X-ray was also OK for someone in my position. The latest ekg showed left atrial overload, nothing more than that, something I've always had. He also put me on a light anti-depressant after I told him about my emotional issues with the family. I'll be taking the medcine every morning. He told me the palpitations are just stress. BTW, mother and I still not on speaking terms after two weeks. The saga goes on, like endless trench warfare in a muddy field, yet with neither willing to yield and extend the olive branch. Never have I felt such determination to dig in my heels, stubborn as a mule, yes, but nonetheless resolute to go on as long as it takes. Should she make the first move, I may find myself in a position to smoke the peace pipe, but I shall not under any circumstances be the one to make the first move. And so it rages on with no end of the tunnel in sight, but I find solace in other things, other pursuits that take me down new pathways barely trodden.

We got a bad case of adware in our computer at home and we've had to come round to an internet cafe to see our e-mails. So I won't be on much until tomorrow. The computer will be reinstalled at home tomorrow morning.
Glad to hear that everything's fine. That's a BIG relief.

Why not buy your mom a funny card and slip it under her door. Maybe that would break the ice. Come on, you two, be friends again. You only have one mom.

There's an American expression that says:

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

It's an interesting observation but doesn't offer much in the way of advice.

Hope you can patch up some of your family disputes and lower your stress level. Even staying 'incommunicado' is stressful.

Best wishes from your VR 'family'.

'AL Capshaw'
Not all mother and child gets along all the time. It is a battle fo all ages. Good luck in that. My mother is no longer here, is in my thoughts and get misty thinking about all the disagreements we had over the years. I celebrate her bd tomorrow. She would have been 69 this year. Don't be wasting too much on the arguements. Try to make changes. But otherwise, keep the stress level down, relax when you can. Take care.

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