HI! Well, my son completed his heart cath this morning and all looked great they said. I was feeling very great about how well the fontan will go until they did an echo test that has me wondering. The echo tech took the measurements off the echo and did his computing thing and said that Eric has an ef of 55%. He told us that it was a good number and he's fine. But being the nervous mom I am, I started looking it up as soon as I could. From what I've seen - an ef of 55% is the lowest acceptable amount. Anything lower and they would worry. But according to the tech -- anything higher is ok -- but doesn't necessarily mean better and that we shouldn't be striving for a higher number. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything else about ef's and whether I should worry or not. All this said -- I guess I'm also more on edge since we are scheduled for his fontan next month. Thanks for any help you can give.