Echo Results

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well i have echo results maybe someone can help interpret them lol i know its not good cause cardio's office called monday and said not to do anything but rest lol which is not in my chaotic lifestyle
lt atrium 4.03 septal wall 1.46 lv int diameter diastolic 6.09 lv int diam systolic 3.93 ejection fraction 60% peak velocity 4/m sec...valve area 0.8
those are the numbers it has then goes on to say
lft ventricular hypertrophy sub aortic stenosis
severe aortic stenosis severe arotic insufficiency and last but not least thickened bicuspid valve
whewww thats alot of stuff plus it says some stuff about other valves
im 47 years old had five children 6 grandchildren and work full time at a large and busy ortho practice but alas i have to slow down alittle i guess
thanks so much for all the kind words and encouragement even though i havent even found out yet what they will do with me lol.
i was born with bicuspid valve and new it would have to be done sometime just thought it would be latter in life go figure
anythoughts about these numbers much appreciated its greek to me :D :eek:
Will leave interpreting the echo to your cardio. I have to say your situation is very close to my own, although I believe your "velocity" is much higher than mine at age 47. I was diagnosed at age 48 with aortic stenosis and a bicuspid valve, and advised that "eventually" I would need to get something done and was given an estimate of 3-5 years. As someone completely not ready to have surgery, this was music to my ears. In 2003 (five years later) I was advised that NOW was the time. I had my operation in 2008 when my velocity went over the 4.5 mark and to be honest, pushed it way too far than I should have, however, I had great experience and am 4 weeks post op now and getting back up to speed quickly. My recovery has been fairly uneventful thank God and I am working about 50% of the time now. It i my own business so I can USUALLY adjust the pace as required :) I would recommend that anyone covered by insurance take the maximum recovery time allow by their company (usually 6-8 weeks) before heading back to the jungle.

What you face is not easy and can be down right scary, especially at first BUT sounds like you have a great support group at home and lot's of good reasons to get this over with and start the next chapter of your life. Also, make use of this forum and read the accounts of those like me and you will see a common thread of relief and revitalization. Some have more bumps in the road than others but all things considered getting it fixed beats any other option :)

Please post your cardio's advice and interpretation. There are lots of good people here who can offer you advice and support.

Best wishes on your decision and keep in mind that there are over 200,000 world wide who go through this every year.
Please listen to your doc and do not strain :)
Your aortic valve is very narrow at .8 and the blood is having a hard time to pump through it. Mine was that size when I was operated and my doc would not let me drive my car at that point. Good thing you found us!!
Bina said:
Please listen to your doc and do not strain :)
Your aortic valve is very narrow at .8 and the blood is having a hard time to pump through it. Mine was that size when I was operated and my doc would not let me drive my car at that point. Good thing you found us!!

how long was it before you had surgery when they found it was that narrow..ive been short of breath,dry cough, fainted twice last weekend or atleast i think i did lol hubby said i just kind of slithered to the floor.very tired all i want to do is sleep but alas the nerves have gotten the best of me and i cant sleep. i go tomorrow to the cardiologist to get echo results.
thanks again all as so many have said you all have brought me great comfort and knowlegde and im more worried about my husband than myself...he not very self sufficient lol been married 30 years:rolleyes:
I know this one was not for me but I would guess that your cardio will urge you to get this taken care of asap. Fainting is a warning signal of advanced / severe aortic stenosis. Once you become symptomatic, the clock starts ticking and the numbers are not in your favor to delay.

My velocity was worse than yours but I never encountered any major symptoms, I just adjusted my lifestyle to fit was my heart could handle. That being said, I delayed my own op way too long and was lucky. As a result, I have kindof adopted a cause to convince others not to delay. I'm real good at do as I say not as I do, or at least I was :)

Take good care of yourself and keep us posted.

You can do it ! And so can your husband :)
msdonnamom said:
how long was it before you had surgery when they found it was that narrow..ive been short of breath,dry cough, fainted twice last weekend or atleast i think i did lol hubby said i just kind of slithered to the floor.very tired all i want to do is sleep but alas the nerves have gotten the best of me and i cant sleep. i go tomorrow to the cardiologist to get echo results.
thanks again all as so many have said you all have brought me great comfort and knowlegde and im more worried about my husband than myself...he not very self sufficient lol been married 30 years:rolleyes:

It sounds like surgery will be soon. Fainting is a serious sign that you need surgery pronto. Dick had no symptoms until he fainted on the tennis court. Please let us know how you make out today and don't worry about your husband. He will do fine and you will be surprised how well he will take care of you- take advantage of his TLC!;)
msdonnamom said:
how long was it before you had surgery when they found it was that narrow..ive been short of breath,dry cough, fainted twice last weekend or atleast i think i did lol hubby said i just kind of slithered to the floor.very tired all i want to do is sleep but alas the nerves have gotten the best of me and i cant sleep. i go tomorrow to the cardiologist to get echo results.
thanks again all as so many have said you all have brought me great comfort and knowlegde and im more worried about my husband than myself...he not very self sufficient lol been married 30 years:rolleyes:
With a .8 valve and tons of symptoms, I was operated on quickly.
Husbands learn to survive. I was able to sit in the kitchen and instruct him on how to put chicken in the oven and frozen vegetables in the microwave. I wrote instructions for the washing machine, and what to feed the pets, since I had no child still living at home. It all works out.:)
Hi Donna - Welcome to the site; glad you found it pre-op.

I wanted to tell you that my bicuspid was also in such bad condition that my mitral valve wasn't working well either--I saw you wrote something similar on your other thread--but after they replaced my aortic/bicuspid valve, they did a TEE while I was still under and, the mitral valve was working well enough with the new and properly-working aortic valve that they were able to leave it alone. I hope things go as well for you.

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