Echo report - how to read it?

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
I now have a copy of the echo done in February (I didn't ask for a copy before today). I have sent an email to my cardiologist as the summary suggests a cardiac referral is in order. I have asked him if he wants to see me and to where should I send the report, to his Jersey office or to him in the UK.

I thought of telling him not to let his kids eat too many easter eggs! Last year he popped into hospital on Easter Sunday morning and said that he had just been on an egg hunt with his children. He really is a lovely man, in every way - lucky Birmingham!

Anyway, this report... What I would like to know is what to look for on the report, and what does it mean? It seems to me to be all abbreviations and numbers.

There are the comments :

Prosthetic aortic valve, estimated pressure drop 36mmhg. No significant reflux,
Prosthetic mitral valve, mild itral regurgitation. Mobile.
not sure how to read those things, but I've found that if you go to medical web sites -- is one I use. I can sometimes find those answers. Lately I've found that if I go to and type in somthing medical -- I usually get an answer.

Good luck
Sue. If you go to the main forum page here.....look under all the listings under the head topic Reference Sources. Then go into Must Have resources, and look. Also Bob H (tobagotwo) is very good at deciphering things and will probalby chime in soon.

Sorry. You know, my whole day has been like this.....keep forgetting, can't get anything quite right for anyone........kinda stressing out abit, I think. :confused: I'm going to edit them out so no one else wastes their time. Thanks, Ross! :D
