Echo for painful ab....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi all, I went to my gp a few days ago because Iv been having a problem with pain in my upper ab region. I'v had what I call a 'soreness' there for a few years but lately its painful. It used to only bother me when lyng on my front in bed (soreness and pulsating), or when I stood for any length of time, in a queue or something. But these last few weeks its been painful no matter what I do. I also feel quite a strong pulsating there. The doc examined me and spent a couple of minutes feeling my aorta which was very painful and had a very strong 'beat'. So, shes referring me to have an echo done. Unfortunately this will probably take a couple of months !!

Just to let you know how things are in general. My sob, chest pain, lack of energy are worse than ever. And believe it or not, I had an appointment in Dublin 19th January, and the consultant sent me off home saying ''We would like to watch you for a while, so we will see you in Jully. In other words, every 6 months, I go to Dublin (100ish) miles away. I tell them how unwell I am, and they say we will see you in 6 months.

Also, I have another appointment for an endoscopy on 13th April, because Im having throat problems, (trouble swallowing, choking easily etc)...its very scary.

Sorry for rambling, and thank you for 'listening'.

Is your thyroid OK? Reason I ask is because I have a substernal goiter which is large enough to displace my trachea, and those can get very large and can also press on internal organs including the throat area causing choking, the vena cava causing serious problems, even the lungs and heart. They can also develop big enough to interfere with the aorta.

So far, mine has not caused severe problems, but I am feeling the displacement in the throat area with pills and small hard things getting stuck there. So I guess, I'll have to discuss this with the doctor and see if surgery is necessary.

I am glad you are scheduled for some testing in that region.

I'm so sorry you are having all these problems. I can relate a bit, although we have different pain issues, I won't get into mine right now. It is horrible to deal with any type of pain or discomfort, for a long period of time. I take it, that is the earliest appt time available? Is there any way you can get in earlier? What type of pain med are you using? I will be thinking of you. Please let us know if anything changes.

Ramble on anytime. You have earned that right.

I think you have been “jerked around” as much (if not MORE) as poor Harrybaby when it comes to doctors. :mad:

I have been fortunate to have doctors in my corner that I feel take a personal interest in my well being and make sure I receive the care I need.

I hope and pray that you find somebody real soon that will just stop and really listen to you and then TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!

May God Bless,

Danny :)
*THANK YOU* all so much for your replies.

Nancy, I am still amazed by what you said because it sparked a memory of something I had completely forgotten. 30 years ago (gosh, I feel really old sayng that) I had some throat problems and went to see a specialist. He said that I had an internal goiter. I cant believe I had forgotten that. I wonder if the person doing the upper ab scan could possibly check my thyroid as well. It would be great if I could get that seen to at the same time. I think I will go see my gp again!! *THANK YOU* Nancy. You have given me hope because to be honest I have been worried that this throat problem is cancer.
Well, I can tell you that my thyroid showed up on an ultrasound scan. I remember it vividly because it was a young tech doing it, and she kept going over and over the same area in larger and larger circles under the sternum area. It took forever and then she called in her superior to look at the scan. They said nothing, but I later found out about how large it was. These things get pretty darned big and they grow slowly so you really don't notice symptoms until they get huge. The vast majority of them are non-cancerous, but many doctors think they should come out anyway. Some are hyperthyroid and some are hypothyroid. Mine is hypothyroid. But the hyperthyroid ones can cause jittery feelings, arrhythymias and all of the hyperthyroid symptoms including eye enlargement. If you Google hyperthyroid symptoms you will see what is entailed with that. Also take a look at substernal goiter.

Years ago, in order to take them out, they cracked the sternum. Now, I believe, almost all of them can be taken out with a neck incision by an experienced thyroid surgeon. I myself have to go to the Internist and discuss my options with him.

If this is what you have, then it explains why all the heart testing they have done on you has not produced much in the way of explanations. So maybe looking at the internal thyroid will yield better info. I hope so for you.

Best wishes.
Hi Jacqui!
Just wanted to say that doctor's, for one reason or another, don't want to rush into OHS; preferring to prolong it as long as possible. This is unfortunate for those of us suffering from heart conditions, because the longer we go, the more sick & tired we feel! However it can be to our benefit to prolong the surgery, like for example, if we are young in age or have children under 18 still yet. That being that we'll be much older when/IF we'll need another surgery later (when the 1st valve wears out). And of course there are a lot of variables with each patient.

But mainly I want to say that I SO relate with HOW you're feeling Jacqui! I do understand your frustration. It's not easy to get out, and especially to go as far as you need to for that cardio visiit. Our energy is limited. But in the end, it'll be worth it. Praying your doctor's are on the job! Best wishes & prayers for you Jacqui!
Luv, ~Karen14
Jacqui,((hugs)) and wishing and praying you get some answers
Your a tough gal with all this doc stuff and the run around you get
Godbless and your in my thoughts always
I really hope you get some answers, hopefully the pain is something simple. I was sent for a liver ultrasound a few years ago,, because my bloodwork didn't loook that good and I was surprised when they called to schedual surgery because the US showed my gallbladder was full of stones and needed to come out. I had had pain for years and pretty much chalked it up to my reflux, but days after my gallbladder came out, I noticed the pain was gone.
I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be trying to get help and answers for so many ears and it seems you are beating your head against the wall. I really hope this echo shows what is causing you to feel so bad for so long.
Hi all, I went to my gp a few days ago because Iv been having a problem with pain in my upper ab region. I'v had what I call a 'soreness' there for a few years but lately its painful. It used to only bother me when lyng on my front in bed (soreness and pulsating), or when I stood for any length of time, in a queue or something. But these last few weeks its been painful no matter what I do. I also feel quite a strong pulsating there. The doc examined me and spent a couple of minutes feeling my aorta which was very painful and had a very strong 'beat'. So, shes referring me to have an echo done. Unfortunately this will probably take a couple of months !!

Just to let you know how things are in general. My sob, chest pain, lack of energy are worse than ever. And believe it or not, I had an appointment in Dublin 19th January, and the consultant sent me off home saying ''We would like to watch you for a while, so we will see you in Jully. In other words, every 6 months, I go to Dublin (100ish) miles away. I tell them how unwell I am, and they say we will see you in 6 months.

Also, I have another appointment for an endoscopy on 13th April, because Im having throat problems, (trouble swallowing, choking easily etc)...its very scary.

Sorry for rambling, and thank you for 'listening'.


Hi Everyone, Just thought I would let you know that I rang the hospital today to see if there was any sigh of the app for the ultrasound on my ab. I was shocked to hear the lady say, there is a wait of at least 5 months. I said, '' Even if someone is having chronic pain'' and the answer was ''Yes''.

Shocking, when theres so much scandel going on here concerning government ministers wasting the money that should be put into our health service, on 5 star hotels and 1st travel all over the world. There was a talk show on TV the other night, were a lady said that she is waiting to see a neurologist and has been told that the waiting time for it is 4 YEARS. Scandelous. Sorry, but Im mad. Grrrrr
Do you ever have a Fever or Chills along with the Abdominal Pain?
Have you ever been diagnosed with Diverticulitis?
(Probably not based on how the Doc's you see all seem more interested in dismissing your symptoms)
An Abodiminal X-Ray followed by a CT scan of the abdomen is the usual protocol.
Hi Al, I dont ever have a fever but Im always cold. Havent been diagnosed with anything because they dont bother looking. The pain is in my upper ab. between my navel (ish) and my chest. I paid for an upper ct scan in feb 09 and it came up with multiple cysts in my liver, and a cyst on my kidney, but doc said theyr prob nothing, and they wouldnt do anything about them anyway due to my heart stuff !!! 8-/