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Well, I am back from my 2nd opinion consult with Dr Sundt at Mayo. After hearing that he does 250-300 cases per year, and 1/3 have the same surgery I will be having (mechanical valve and dacron graft for aortic root), it seemed like a no-brainer. He offered next week, but I just couldnt wrap my head around that - so I opted for the next earliest option, June 4th. I was origionally scheduled for the 10th, so at least I saved myself a week of waiting. Since I work in a school district as a psych, there are a lot of loose ends to wrap up this time of year. He told me I am not an urgent case, though now that I know I need it, I may as well get it done. So right now I am anxious, but for some reason calm. I think it goes in spurts, as I was in much worse shape a few weeks ago after scheduling it the first time. Maybe it just helps to be confident in my surgeon...the peace of mind knowing I have done all I can? Thanks for the support here, and encouraging me to get a second opinion!
Wow, you and I are in the same boat. I would say that I will write to you as soon as possible to let you know that its "a piece of cake" (hopefully)..but by the time Im able to sit up and type, you'll alrady know for yourself! I seem to keep my mind busy and occupied during the day, but at night, when its quiet and theres nothing to do, no children to yell at, husband to boss around, thats when it gets me and I become overwhelmed with fear. I cant wait until I am laying in that bed,..without the breathing tube,..and I can say,..ahhh, its all over!
June 4th - the birthday of your new improved life! Congratulations!
Many of our members report a "sense of calm" either just before their surgery, or when they have reached a level of 'acceptance' that it needs to be done and they feel good about their choices (surgeon, hospital, valve, etc.).

You sound so much more confident (and calm) than you did when you came aboard.


'AL Capshaw'
I am pleased to read your news today..."The peace of mind knowing you have done all you can" is so true...thats when you walk into the hospital with a dopey smile on your face to await the hardest elective surgery of your life. With confidence like this there is every reason to believe it is going to be a great success.

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