Dr's Liability Insurance in Illinois

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
Marcia (from Illinois) wrote (in 'Think I'm gonna Burst):

"The consultation with the surgeon was $650.00. Couldn't believe it. He did a good job so I am not complaining. We sell Dr. 's professional liability here at work and there (sic)premiums have skyrocketed which goes over to the patient and the insurance company. Vicious cycle. "

There was a story on one of the TV News Magazine shows about a group of Obstetricians who were LEAVING Illinois to move across the state line into Wisconsin because of the outrageous Malpractice Insurance premiums in Ill. ($500,000 in Ill vs. $50,000 in Wis).

Lax enforcement by the State Insurance Commission was partially blamed.

Obstetrics seems to be one of the hardest hit specialties. Several states have reached critical shortages of OB Dr's. This problem may give a whole new meaning to 'home delivery' :D

This is a point of great concern to me, and should be for everyone, that this country just cannot get its act together and figure a way to pay for medical care. I live outside Chicago and believe me, the OBGYN's are running for cover here. I have a friend that does diversity training for corporate America. One buzz-word that he uses is the "temporarily able" to describe that great mass of people that so far has not had the need for significant medical care. If a person waits long enough, one day they are going to need some care. Goodness knows all of us here know that. So virtually all of us, one day, will need something. How is it to be paid for? I think that it is a crime that arguably the richest and most powerful nation on earth has not found a way to secure medical care for all. Granted, some countries that have universal care have turned that into a joke. I would like to think that we could do better.
IL residents may be headed for disaster. Story on Channel 7 news last week highlighted what Al pointed out.

Having the opportunity to be treated in another state...I can tell you that the care we receive in IL is substandard in comparsion. It actually worries me to the point of feeling extremly vulnurable. This may be wide spread sometime in the future. It's the little fish in the big pond syndrome. Maybe my avatar is not to far off, lol :p
We have a real big problem here in arizona also. was in the paper the other day. over 600 doctors met at a meeting the other day on how to solve the problem. the 3 big speciality areas were the OB/GYN, neurosurgeons,and cardiac surgeons. their insurance rates have been skyrocketing for few years now and now in crisis state.

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