Hello i have missed you, but am doing really well. The acid issue lasted almost 5 days, but I am much better now. NO PIZZA! My date was changed to Aug. 3 That was truly the earliest they could do it, but I am on the list to move up if an opportunity arises. The doctor changed a few things on the meds and that seems to be doing a better job. My BP is usually around 102/68 and the pulse around 54. I am watching movies and finally got the blog site looking much better and all the archives back up. Please check it out I have a welcome page and an about me page as well. I wrote about my dad yesterday and I hope you will read it. He was a great man. I am fortunate in this world of stepdads and long-distance dads to have had a father who really went the extra mile for his boys and daughter. God bless you all, So many to pray for this week, I am sure they will all do fantastic.