Driving down

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Well, everyone this is it! :D Me and my merry men are driving down tomorrow to charleston since my MRI is on thursday at 9am (i don't believe that one) then on to pre-op. Surgery on Friday so this will be the last time I'll talk to you before I get that magic wand! I am nervous but ready to get this over with. I'll try to get my sister-in law to post for me! I love you guys thanks for all the love and support sometimes it's just easier to vent to people that really get what you are talking about. Keep Ross out of trouble for me and I'll post as soon as I can!
Good luck Stacey!! I hope all goes well for you on Friday and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

Sending best wishes your way.....
Anna : )
Are you back home yet?

Are you back home yet?

Hi Stacey, Just wanted to check and see how your surgery went? Hope you are almost home so you can get on the mend!
Stacey - You are in my thoughts and prayers these days! You are going to do great! God Bless You!
Good luck you will be back on your feet before you know it! Keep us posted, it seems that you have a good attitude to get you through.
Best JD
I wish you the best of care....

I wish you the best of care....

Hi Stacey,
I want to wish you the best of care, the best of recovery and the best of everything the man upstairs can possibly give you...and most of all, I wish you Peace..I will be thinking of you Friday, when I am going through a test myself...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D