February 13, 2006
Cleveland Clinic Names Interim Leader
The Cleveland Clinic said it had appointed Dr. Steven E. Nissen, a cardiologist and researcher, interim director of cardiovascular medicine and had begun a search to find a full-time successor to Dr. Eric J. Topol, who resigned last week.
Despite the search, which is required by the clinic's bylaws, it appeared that Dr. Nissen was the preferred candidate to fill Dr. Topol's shoes permanently. "He is obviously a very strong candidate," said Eileen Sheil, a spokeswoman for the clinic.
Dr. Nissen, who attended both undergraduate and medical schools at the University of Michigan, joined the clinic in 1992. Within cardiology circles, he is well known as a pioneer in the technique of measuring plaque in coronary arteries through intravascular imaging.
His name also has become recognizable among the general public, partly because, like Dr. Topol, he has been outspoken in criticizing unsafe drugs. Dr. Nissen also is often quoted in the media as a result of his frequent role serving on advisory panels to the Food and Drug Administration. He is also the incoming president of the American College of Cardiology.
Dr. Nissen, 57, had joined with Dr. Topol in warning about potential dangers of the so-called cox-2 painkillers. Recently, the two collaborated on a criticism of the experimental diabetes treatment Pargluva, a product of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Development of the drug has since been suspended.
Dr. Topol announced on Thursday that he was leaving the clinic to become a professor of genetics at the Case Western Reserve University medical school in Cleveland. He had clashed with the clinic's chief executive, Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove, on several issues.
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February 13, 2006
Cleveland Clinic Names Interim Leader
The Cleveland Clinic said it had appointed Dr. Steven E. Nissen, a cardiologist and researcher, interim director of cardiovascular medicine and had begun a search to find a full-time successor to Dr. Eric J. Topol, who resigned last week.
Despite the search, which is required by the clinic's bylaws, it appeared that Dr. Nissen was the preferred candidate to fill Dr. Topol's shoes permanently. "He is obviously a very strong candidate," said Eileen Sheil, a spokeswoman for the clinic.
Dr. Nissen, who attended both undergraduate and medical schools at the University of Michigan, joined the clinic in 1992. Within cardiology circles, he is well known as a pioneer in the technique of measuring plaque in coronary arteries through intravascular imaging.
His name also has become recognizable among the general public, partly because, like Dr. Topol, he has been outspoken in criticizing unsafe drugs. Dr. Nissen also is often quoted in the media as a result of his frequent role serving on advisory panels to the Food and Drug Administration. He is also the incoming president of the American College of Cardiology.
Dr. Nissen, 57, had joined with Dr. Topol in warning about potential dangers of the so-called cox-2 painkillers. Recently, the two collaborated on a criticism of the experimental diabetes treatment Pargluva, a product of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Development of the drug has since been suspended.
Dr. Topol announced on Thursday that he was leaving the clinic to become a professor of genetics at the Case Western Reserve University medical school in Cleveland. He had clashed with the clinic's chief executive, Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove, on several issues.
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