Dr. Cosgrove on TODAY re: ByPass Surgery

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
Dr. "Toby" Cosgrove, Chief of Cardiac Surgery at The Cleveland Clinic (#1 rated Heart Hospital) was interviewed by Ann Curry(sp?) on the TODAY show this morning to educate the public about Bill Clinton's upcoming Bypass Surgery.

Dr. Cosgrove reported that Bill Clinton will have quadruple bypass surgery using the 'Beating Heart' technique, presumably to reduce the risk of cognitive brain damage from the Heart-Lung machine. Surgery was delayed until today to allow his blood to return to normal after being treated with Vioxx.

Dr. Cosgrove had a plastic heart model as well as illustrations showing both Mammary artery and Sapheous (leg) vein bypass grafts.

'AL Capshaw'
I bet Toby would just love to be the one doing Clintons. :D

I have coffee and donuts with him everyday and we sit and discuss Christina L. She is a special one. He still remembers her too. :D
That is so sweet

That is so sweet

to think that Dr. Cosgrove remembers me with fondness. I thought I was just another "heart" to him. :D

I am surprised that he drinks coffee and eats donuts - not good for the old ticker you know. :eek:

Wayne just tuned in to MSNBC and we were able to catch a news segment with Dr. Cosgrove talking about Clinton's surgery. He seems like a very intelligent, nice, caring man. I am lucky to have had him for my surgeon as he is just basically brilliant.

Tell "Toby" hello, Ross!

Christina L.