I to am on Warafrin and have been for nearly a year now, yes i have had a few problems, firstly when i first started taking it, and again this last month, this was due to me been taken off it for an operations, but im glad to say im nearly in range again 2.3. my range is 2.5-3.5, so im nearly there. I am on 10 different tabs now each one helping me stay alive. Yes sometimes i do get down about taking them all, i thought once i had my new valve and the other fixed the tablets would get less, but that wasnt the case. I have already had a TIA and a Stroke 2 years ago, and still suffer with the after effects of the stroke, especailly when im tired drag my leg more. Theres no way in the world i would ever want to go through that again so taking 3 little tablets a day isnt a problem for me, and if those 3 little tabs stop my family having to go through what they did before, theres no choice tablets win hands down.
If you dont take it theres a good chance your family and you will go through what we all have and i wouldnt wish that on my worse enermy.
If you want to tell people the reason why you feel like you do this is the place to get the help and advice you need, they have been brillant with me when i have problems, so please share with us all why you feel like this about them little pills.
Take care