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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee USA
I will have been on Warfarin a year this May. My levels are usually within range. What I haven't noticed is any increased bruising or bleeding. I sliced my finger good a couple of months ago with a razor device and it didn't seem to bleed any longer than when I wasn't on the drug.

Is this normal or abnormal?

Before I found this forum I had concluded that life had returned to normal and didn't think much about bleeding, but I've developed a bit more respect for my INR levels since.

My daughter wants me to go on a whitewater rafting trip with her and her youth group. I know they wear helmets, but would something like this be a no no?

I guess it's all in the amount of risk your willing to take and the skill level of staying in the raft. Protect your head to the max and hope you don't fall out and get tore up on jagged rocks, but I think you'd enjoy it.
I've been surprised that I haven't "bled to death," as most folks think that people on Coumadin will do if cut.
I've had one major bleed since my surgery, and I think anyone else would have bled like a stuck pig, too. I sliced off the tip of my left index finger and there was no way to suture the edges together because it was too big of a slice. It bled on and off for a couple of days, then stopped.

Last weekend, I was preparing veggies for soup and looked away and -- guess what -- sliced my left pinkie just to the corner of the nail. Told my nephew, and he said, "Ya gotta stop looking away when you cut things in the kitchen!"

As far as bruises: Yes, I get more than before, but I think most of mine are due to not drinking enough water. (Dehydration increases the INR.) I have to struggle to drink the suggested minimum amount of water each day.
I've sliced myself pretty good several times in the years I've been on Coumadin. They only seem to bleed a bit long. I've broken toes, and those turn very lovely, vibrant colors of blue and purple, but that heals too.

If you're normally athletic and figure if it weren't for the Coumadin, you'd like to give the rafting a go - I'd do it.:)
Whitewater rafting is very popular Tenn. N.C. and North Ga. ...Make sure you have a guide in your raft...ALWAYS..remember, if you fall out..POINT your feet first..MANY rocks in the rivers...It is fun....but rough, if you fall out..:eek: and hard for you to get back into raft. I know, son had to drag me back in.:D ..They require helmets and to watch a video before you are taken by bus to the starting point. that was a long time before I went on coumadin...I would check out the river, too. Is it low from No rain, ect....If so, (low) expect many rocks, ect....And HANG on..:D Lots of fun..Be careful. Bonnie
Cuts, Bruises, and Bumps are all managable.

A Brain Bleed 'CAN BE FATAL' so protect your head to the max. Look into a BETTER Helmet than the standard issue at the raft rental place. Check out the Kayak / Canoe / Outdoor Sports places and see what they have to offer.

Beyond that, it's all a matter of how much risk you are willing to take.

'AL Capshaw'
Live and learn!

Live and learn!

"(Dehydration increases the INR.) I have to struggle to drink the suggested minimum amount of water each day."

I had not heard of that, Marsha. I have to force myself to drink more water also; now I have more of an incentive. Thank you.

barbwil said:
"(Dehydration increases the INR.) I have to struggle to drink the suggested minimum amount of water each day."

I had not heard of that, Marsha. I have to force myself to drink more water also; now I have more of an incentive. Thank you.


Dehydration is listed among items increasing INRs in the leaflet that comes with a box of Coumadin samples. I'll buy it; I had to give a cat with failing kidneys fluids to help bring down the concentration of toxins in the blood, kinda like doing dialysis in a way, so it seems that the more hydrated you are, the less of a concentration warfarin will be in the blood stream.
(I hope Al Lodwick will correct me if my analogy is wrong.)
Our hospital is a trauma center for the Headwaters of the Arkansas recreation area where people raft through the Royal Gorge. Our trauma doctors say they have never seen anyone bleed to death from a cut to the arm or leg. The head is the main thing you need to protect.