Donnchadh Post Surgery

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Hi All sorrry noone posted for me. My partner had so much on her mind she forgot.
I made it out the other side.
I saw the light but it was only the surgcal lights so nothing to worry about.
I am now one week post op.
The doctors wanted to send me home 4 dayys aftr surgery I am making such a fast recovery but my blood is not plaaying games. Or rrather is playing games.
My INR is still only 1.6 and they wont release me untill it hits at least 2. I am having 3 heparin injections eeach day and also up to 15mg warfarin per day.
INR is going up so slow its painful.
Nothing I can do but wait.
But I am into cardiacc rehab already. Cycling and walking and small weights I am doing so well the physio is worieed I am overdoing it.
Only dowwnside is tthe hspital internet is the sloweest cconnneection known to man aand has a really diccky keeyboard.
I wissh I had found it earrlieer andd wouuld have let you all know how I went.
I shall post again soon aas I am escaping the ward morre oteen andd with anyluck might be home tomorrrow. Fngers crossed.:D
Minor complications.

Minor complications.

I forgo to add. I only had minor complictons with having to be zapped several times to resucitate and was paced for 2 days post op but now eveerything iss speeeding along.
Everyone had me a little worried with the recovery but I slept on my side for the firrst time this arvo and am now coughing without my pillow.:p
OK Maybe I am a freak in recovering so quick or maybe this is why my INR s not behaving.:D
Either way I am happy with the way things are going and shall post again soon.
Also crossing my fingers that things continue as they are andd I have no majorr seetbacks.:cool:
Delighted to hear of your successful surgery. It sounds like when your get your INR in range you'll have a smooth uneventful recovery. Long may it continue for you. :cool:
Wonderful to hear how well you are doing. Keep it up. :)
But please don't overdo. Hope you are able to leave the hospital soon.
Glad you are doing so well. My husband was in the hospital an extra three days because his INR stayed below 2. They finally showed me how to give him the shots and we were able to go home. But, the shots were very expensive(nearly 400.00 for ten filled syringes and our insurance would not pay for them because he was not in the hospital. It was worth it though for him to get to come home. And his INR went up quickly once we were home.
I agree...

I agree...

...there is NO need to push too hard. You are only 36 and now have LOTS more of life to go. Just take it as it comes. take the GOOD days for all you can but accept the bad days as they come. THEY WILL COME!!!:eek:Hope you have only a few of those and LOTS of the GOOD.
I am glad to here your surgery went well and you are doing so well.

i start cardiac rehab tomorrow and i am excited!!!

I'm happy to hear your recovery is going so well...i hope they release you from the hospital soon!!
Glad you are doing well, hope you made it home and hoping you sort your INR soon, all the best.


Was sent home with INR of 1.8 No need for home injections.
INR now 2.6 and waiting for it to level out. MY GP is so nice she saw me on her day off today to do my INR and will be helping me to manage my INR fro when I get my own home testing machine in 5 weeks.
They give them away free here now but my GP said to keep coming to here because of the cost of the strips and only use the machine when I travel. She is wonderful and bulk bills me even though she doesnt have to.
Went for a short shop today and nearly collapsed I am soo tired and my wife has told me to slow it down as I am sure you will all say.
Home with my mother this week as my wife works, someone has to pay the bills. So I dont think I will be allowed to overdo it if I wanted to :D
More cardio rehab next week and will cut my reps back as I was exhauseted after last weeks. Its only 1/2 kg weights but after 10 reps they felt like 25kg:eek:
Will fill you all in as I progress.
Theres a pic of my scar attached if I did it right.
Your Scar

Your Scar

Hey I am impressed with your neat scar performed by Dr David Andrews.
hmmm I hope you don't mind me asking, did they fix your brachiocephalic/innominate artery in your neck?
Good luck with your recovery, just think of all the good things to come... and how much better you must be feeling.
Looking good! Take it easy, but keep going. Sounds like you are well on your way to a great recovery! All the best, Brian Mc

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