Does your sternum ever ache?

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Susan BAV

If so, what sets it off? I think that when the weather has a change I have aches, but maybe just during the change of the weather. I was driving in the rain today and it hasn't rained much here in Southern California in months so it was definitely a weather change for us and it really ached and I had sort of a light burning feeling behind the sternum, but it was all brief. It's still raining and I don't have the ache now. Last weekend I was in upstate New York and it was miserably cold -- they said the coldest it's been in two years -- and my sternum ached briefly, but not for the entire freezing cold time that I was there.

Does your sternum ever ache? What do you think sets you off? Is it brief? Do you still have your wires? Do they bother you? Any other thoughts?

(edit - I just noticed that this is my 800th post!)
It's been a little over 3 years since my OHS. I really haven't had any aches after the main healing process was complete. Yes I still have the wires but can only tell because I can feel the bumps.
I guess even with no sternum aches, I still don't trust it. I still hold my chest when I cough or sneeze. That might be almost habit now because I still sleep holding a pillow to my chest. I still need my 'security blanket' I guess.
I'm 11 months post-op and I find in cold weather, when the body tenses up, the sternum area gets a bit uncomfortable. I also get this somewhat sharp "prickling" sensation from the scar area when I come in from the cold. Feels like pins and needles for lack of a better description. Does not last long though.

Also, if I cough or sneeze my sternum reminds me that I had OHS. Not as painful as right after the surgery, but certainly noticeable all the same. Sometimes when I cough or sneeze, or make an abrupt motion, I get this "popping" sensation from the sternum, similar to cracking your joints.

In weather changes, I still get broader body aches. However, it more the neck, shoulders, and back, although I can still feel it in the sternum/rib cage area. This does seem to occur more during shifts in weather (changes in pressure I think).

I still have the wires, but I don't notice them specifically.

My doctors told me these aches or sensations should subside in intensity with time (and they have), but may not disappear completely.
Definitely have some arthritis in the strenocostal joints. I can predict the coming of crappy weather with better accuracy than the meteorologist! Also some very short real sharp pains if I move a certain way; might be the wires, but I tend to think its just the achy joints. Hey, could be worse!
I live in Oregon and of course, it never rains here. I'm 9 months post op and my sternum aches EVERY TIME I STAND UP. When I've been sat in a deep couch or low auto for a long time, I actually do need to clutch it as I stand up....or take a huge sigh. I have noticed during our cold snaps that it is somewhat worse.

That said, some of this may be my scar which has keloided some and which I am still griping about since it is so touch sensitive. I suspect it is still very sore on the inside, too.

Also, now at 9 months, I feel that all my twisting motions, pushing up motions and stretching motions no longer make me want to be protective. The little popping and wierd sensations are gone and I feel like just now I can really lift, haul, twist, etc. as much as I want.

I have never been uncomfortable sneezing (I managed to avoid it for several months somehow). I never had any pain in my shoulders or neck post-op. Now, whenever I get a back pain at all it seems to pop gently right back into place. For me, I'm thinking that cracking open the front of me released 50 years of pressure in my back!

Do many of us come away from surgery with new arthritis problems? I certainly did....all over. But being coincidentally in my menopause time I"m just pointing the finger at hormones. I wonder, though, if this kind of event actually ages us somewhat.

By the way. I don't have wires. I was sewn together (and I'm suspecting rather too tightly perhaps!) with dacron thread.

:) Marguerite
It may be cartilage and not your sternum. For me, I tend to think the cold weather makes it worse. I am told it should dissipate in time.

I have been taking aleve twice a day consistenlty, per surgeons instructuions, and its the best its felt since before surgery.

look up constochronditis.

Hi Mike -

I think you and I have mutually posted about the cartilage problem before.

I know I have the cartilage trouble in my rib, although it's not nearly as bad as it was and still seems to get gradually better, but I hadn't really considered it in connection to my sternum ache. There is so much I don't know!

I've been meaning to look up the costco-whatever anyway because one of my friends was recently diagnosed with it and she's really discouraged about it all and I don't think she has ready access to the Web. Her doctor put her on steroids for the [disorder]. Thanks for the reminder!
jeffp said:
Definitely have some arthritis in the strenocostal joints. I can predict the coming of crappy weather with better accuracy than the meteorologist! Also some very short real sharp pains if I move a certain way; might be the wires, but I tend to think its just the achy joints. Hey, could be worse!

Hi Jeff - Is that related to the thing Mike was talking about?

I still tend to clench up before a big sneeze or cough too, Greg! I think it's almost a conditioned reflex now:eek:!

Yeah, Wayne, I try not to think about my wires either, with the hope that then they won't worry me. I ignore them so they'll ignore me;).

Hi Marguerite - I felt creaky in my sternum for quite awhile, especially when I would lift something heavy like a case of water. It was such an icky sensation but didn't actually hurt:(.
Susan BAV said:
Hi Jeff - Is that related to the thing Mike was talking about?

Yep, most probably the same thing. Just achy arthritic like stuff in the sternum-rib joints.
I had aches for about 2 years, but havent had any since. the only problem I have now is my incision has excess skin on it (i forget what it is called) and that gets irritated alot when I scratch it.
Originally posted by MikeB
I have now is my incision has excess skin on it (i forget what it is called)

Is it kind of like chapped or flakey skin? I get that on my incision. I just figured it was from dryness. It gets very itchy.
WayneGM said:
Is it kind of like chapped or flakey skin? I get that on my incision. I just figured it was from dryness. It gets very itchy.

No, its like skin that didnt heal, its red and bubbly. I cant think of the name, its buggin me now.
My sternum aches all the way through to my back with cloudy wet or cold weather.

yep mine aches.. especially after lifting, or in cold/damp weather

I also have a wire that is very tender.. and leaves a definite mark on my skin (bump)..

Hopefully this will ease up at about 1 year.

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