I've got a "sensitive" area around my right side where they had gone in a few times for internal bleeding problems. There's still a marked discoloration around where the drainage tubes were that goes from a little above my waist up below my arm and from my right chest back around to my spine. It's a pretty big area and it's got a kind of numb/tingly sensation when you touch it. Beyond that, driving or riding in a car now is fine for me.
I was REALY sore and stiff for the first few weeks after I started driving again, about 10 weeks post-op... Remember, I was in the hospital for 9 weeks "post-op"....
"The seatbelts will NOT work if they're not positioned correctly - screws up the sensor mechanisms."
Most cars don't have such elaborate sensor systems incorporated in with the seatbelts, however if the seatbelt is fitted improperly, it CAN cause a lot of damage during a crash, mostly internal injuries around your lower abdomen. Wearing the shoulder belt under and armpit instead of across your chest like it should be may also lead to serious head and or neck injuries, maybe even allowing your head to strike the steering wheel or fly through the windshield...