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This is Paul117

Surgery 22nd at ST. Lukes Milwuakee Mitral Valve repair with a robot!

Has anyone had the same experaince?
I've got a lot of questiaons about the day after etc. I am a samll business owner and this is the first time I don't feel I can control the outcome.

I'm looking for someone that had had the same experiance.
I had mitral valve repair through minimally invasive approach but without a robot. The doc used a camera on a "stick" to project the images from inside the heart on large screens in the OR so that the whole team could visualize what was happening with the repair at any given time.
I also like to be in control but unfortunately once you make the decision where and when to have the surgery you have to turn yourself over to the team for a few hours.
After the surgery the recovery is in your hands. You really do have control over following the instructions and doing your walking, breathing exercises, etc.
Just pick someone you really trust and a hospital with a good track record. Most important is that they do this procedure hundreds of times a year-not a few times a year.
Keep posting. I know you will get many more responses to your inquiry. This is a wonderfully supportive site.
In control

In control

Thank you, you are the first one to reply I just don't know what to expect and it is scaring me as well as my wife (36 years today) three kids and a 87 mom
I got my mitral valve repaired in August by a conventional way, ie they cut the sternum. As it was said, make sure you trust your surgeon and that he/she does this operation frequently. I was operated in the morning and talking to my friends in the afternoon. The following day out of IC and into my room. That night was the worse, my blood pressure was low and I had like a panic attack and unfortunately there was a new nurse who was not very nice. (I did not see her again, after that night, thank God!!). The pain was reasonable and the only medication I ever took was Tylenol. Was sitting the second day and out of bed on my own the same. The doctor kept me 7 days in the hospital and sent my to a nursing facility for another 7 days but I only stayed for 5 as I misssed my home. The first 4 weeks I felt very sleeppy and tired but I believed is was due to some anemia and medication my doctor wants me to take for the first months (atenolol). Dose was reduced and feel better.
Try to get a good back massage in the hospital (boy, I would have paid just anything for one), and real comfortable recliner when you get home. Take it easy and rest as much as you can and before you know it, you will be feel fine. Good luck :)
Welcome to another cheesehead :) Can't really help you with the robotic technique for your repair but I'm sure you'll hear from some others in a day or so. While the procedure is minimally invasive it is still heart surgery so many of the recovery issues will still be applicable. But the recovery time should be shorter since you won't have the sternum issues to deal with. To gather some practical information you might want to spend some time looking around the pre-surgery forum... loads of practical tips and encouragement. St. Luke's is an excellent heart facility.

Here's a link that might answer a few of your questions:

Take the time between now & your surgery to have some fun. It'll help keep your mind off things. Get your holiday shopping done and prepare to have people wait on you after you get home.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You might also encourage your wife to join us too as there are questions she might want to ask other 'significant others'.

I can't help with repair info, since I had a replacement, but Joanne's remark that, "the recovery is in your hands" is very true.
If you feel anything is not right, contact your surgeon or post your question on the site.
In addition, please give yourself enough time to recover. If you try to hurry the recovery process, you risk prolonging it rather than shortening it. I am six months post op, and I feel really good. Six months might seem like an eternity to someone waiting for surgery, but to those who have undergone the operation, it is short in relation to the length of the lifetime gained.
Hi Paul and welcome from another Wisconsinite! I had AVR at St. Luke's in October. I can't help you much with the procedure you will be going through but I can say I was very happy with my stay there. I was in ICU 4 days and a regular room 3 days. The ICU nurses were great. Just make sure you voice your concerns and questions to each nurse. You will feel like you're seeing a new nurse every few hours. It's a busy hospital and that's good. Who is your surgeon? Is it that Dr. we see on TV touting their robotic surgery program? If so , he visited me once or twice while I was there (he was filling in for my surgeon) and I thought he was very likable and professional.

I had hoped I would be a candidate for robotic surgery but it didn't work out that way. You must feel priveledged! I'm sure your recovery will go faster than conventional surgery. I really didn't have much pain but all the aches were from the opening of the chest which you won't have to deal with. Best of luck to you and keep reading & asking questions here.
Hi paul

Hi paul

Sorry to hear that your surgery is so close to Xmas..with 3 children. maybe, you can have an early Xmas.. You didn't say how old they are..but must be young....Most young kids don't know dates, ect..Let them open Santa early.......and your wife will not have that on her mind.Your not being there on Xmas morning. Hopefully, you can come home the day after....I think you will still have to stay at least 4 days...Your Mom and kids really don't need to know the details.....Tell your wife..You will be fine..Just get ready for your homecoming from hospital...Recliner, no visitors, ect.Maybe the kids can stay with relatives for a few days..since there will be No school....You will need a week to start feeling better..getting the nasty drugs out of your system..walking around the inside of house, ect...take 1 day at a time when you come home..Then, you will be better, soon. bonnie
Does it stay repaired?

Does it stay repaired?

I sure hope so! I had my mitral valve robotically repaired July 27, 2005 at St. Joseph's hospital in Atlanta. I was in the hospital for 3 days. I was unable to drive for 3 weeks. I have to admit I was rather sore that first week of driving. My heart felt fine, no racing beats, steady as could be. I didn't really know I had symptoms until after the repair. The incisions were sore for several weeks and one "of my stab wounds" still gives me twinges on occassion - it is the one of the left side of the breast. The surgeon told me this was the one where they passed the instruments, and changed tips for the "hands" of the robot. The breast was very bruised after surgery. This faded within the 4 weeks or so. I was on coumadin for a week, they could not regulate it and switched me to one adult aspirin a day. I was told that I'd be on coumadin for 3 months afterwards. I was also on 12.5 mg of lopressor twice a day and darvacet for pain. I took the pain meds for about 2 weeks as they caused terrible dreams and stopped them. I did have a lot of migrane auras after surgery, sometimes 2 or 3 a day, but no headache. The Dr. said this was common and would go away, it did within about 4 weeks afterwards. I was back to working at 5 weeks, 1/2 days and then full time after that. I would tire in the afternoons. I now take Zestril 2.5 mg for my BP and and 1 baby aspirin. My BP stays around 106/70 now, and I'd love to be med free, but time will tell. I am 55 so who knows! As for does it stayed repaired, I hope it will. My post op ECHO shows trace mitral valve regurgitation and my cardiologist said they just couldn't completely make it perfect. I didn't need to worry about it. Both of my leaflets were floppy and I had severe/flail regugitation. My heart had not enlarged but the volume of blood in my left atrium had double -- thus it was time for the surgery. I too was very frightened. They didn't know if they could repair for sure, or if the heart lung connection would fit, I am rather small. It all worked successfully and the surgeon told me I cannot undo anything he did. I go back to the cardiologist in March and have another ECHO in a year. I have no restrictions on my activities. I wish I were more active, but I walk on the treadmill daily after I get home from work. I feel great! Feel free to as me questions. Good luck to you and I hope your repair will go well. Happy holidays to you and your family!
I just had my surgery with robotic assist

I just had my surgery with robotic assist

but I still recovering from a "extraordinarly large" pleural effusion which may or may be unrelated to the surgical approach. I know I like my scar a lot more than I would if cut down the middle.

mvr 11/30/05

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