Does BAVS cause angina?

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Teresa UK

I've been getting chest and arm discomfort increasingly over several weeks, until it was almost constant, which my GP said was all par for the BAVS course & to hang in there. I felt so bad on Saturday I visited A&E and was kept in overnight for a few tests. The conclusion was that the pain is all part of my worsening valve problem, with the possibility of artery problems, and they are trying to bring forward my pre-op angiogram date. Previously the only medication I was taking was a very low dose of diuretic, but the hospital have prescribed a beta-blocker and 3 days-worth of potassium supplements as I seem to have a deficiency. (At one point they also said I'm anaemic but for some reason nothing more has been said about that...) The pain, which I've had for weeks, has now subsided, thank goodness. This is what I'm wondering - do you get angina type pain with "classic" BAVS, or is this pain a clear indicator of coronary artery trouble? I want to be prepared for whatever the angio result is! I'm youngish (46) and don't smoke, but CHD runs in the family. Any thoughts much appreciated.
Hi Teresa,

A stenotic or regurgitant bicuspid aortic valve can cause angina, the heart is working extra hard to supply the body with blood and therefore needs more nutrients and oxygen ( supply of energy ) than normal. Demand for oxygenated blood is also higher if there is thickening of the heart muscle ( more muscle mass = more oxygenated blood needed to support it ). The chest pain comes from muscle fatigue and the buildup of lactic acid.

Chronic angina is a definite indication something may be wrong with the heart -- if listening to the heart beat and measurement of its function with echos, MRI, CT and angiograms show there is an accompanying problem then something needs to be done about it as soon as possible.

I have this same angina-type pains too and my Cardio always tells me its muscle related ...(and I ask everytime I see him ) .

I have noticed that when my blood pressure is nice 'n low (105/60 ) it doesnt bother me nearly as much as when it is in the higher range eg: 130/80...

He didnt mention it was a sign of my worsening condition ( maybe he didnt need to mention it to me cos I am already worried enough!)...:confused:
Hi Teresa UK

Hi Teresa UK

Lotti in the UK here.
I had my pre op yesterday and I was asked if I had chest pain like you have been describing. I answered yes, but that I had dismissed it as my arteries are hunky dory. The chief nurse then told me that although it is not quite the same as angina from clogged arteries, any stenosis and regurgitation does cause chest pain. This is due to the heart somehow, draining the blood back out from your arteries that supply the heart muscle with its blood supply. This of course then means that your heart is not getting the blood supply it needs and causes pain. I can not remeber the exact name she gave it, but it was some sort of _______angina. It reassured me that I was not imagining things.
I hope that they can bring you forward, and that all goes well for you. If you want to pm and chat let me know and we can do that. I'm off to Leicester for my op next weekend.

Take care

I had a call from the hospital to say the angiogram has been brought forward to next Thursday, which I'm really pleased about. I went to see my GP today, as instructed on discharge from hospital, and he wasn't too happy that the hospital had put me on beta blockers, as he felt it would have been better to wait and get the angio result & see if there's any artery blockage because this "angio" pain is different from blocked artery angio pain. That sort of makes sense to me but I find it all a bit confusing.... However, because I feel so much better since starting them, my gp said he'll go with the betablocker decision for now.
Lotti - good luck for next weekend, will be thinking of you.
Aussigal - my bp is never low! so I've no idea if that would help. (Actually, I guess the betablockers are lowering my bp right now.....)
Thanks, everyone, for your replies.