Doe's anyone know what causes a bruise?

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Curtis as like a bite mark on the top of his foot and it has a bruise around it, he says it does't hurt, i've put antiseptic on it, iam not that worried about it but have never seen a bite with a bruise before,does anyone know if this is common? Paula x
I get bruises around any break in my skin. It is from a small amount of bleeding into the tissue below the skin. It is possible he may have indeed had a bite that perhaps itched a bit and scratched it. It might have been something of which he he totally unaware.
I had a spider bite awhile back that left a huge bruise on my arm. Holes cause bleeding (even if tiny amounts) and, as we know, bleeding causes bruising.
I'm certainlly no expert but...are you sure is a bruise and not like a "red circle"?
this can be caused by a tick and it is best if a doctor can see it while the redness is visible. Ticks can cause lyme disease and it is better to have this checked to rule out the possibility or treat it immediately before it causes damage
maka said:
I'm certainlly no expert but...are you sure is a bruise and not like a "red circle"?
this can be caused by a tick and it is best if a doctor can see it while the redness is visible. Ticks can cause lyme disease and it is better to have this checked to rule out the possibility or treat it immediately before it causes damage
Thanks for all replys, no there is no sign of redness and no swelling, it dosn't seem to be bothering him, so i will just keep cleaning it and keep my eye on it. Thanks