Dodgy new Aortic valve

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I had a Labcor porcine bioprossthesis aoritic valve fitted on october 17th 2007 at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford England,now I am told there has been a number of reports of sterile valve dehiscence with this type of valve.This is all mumbo jumbo to me but last week they looked at the valve with what is called transoesophageal echocardiography which was some gadget they put down my throat but they gave me an injection that sent me away with the fairies so i dont remember any thing about it.Anyway they found two leaks so now I am Waiting to find out what happens next.My question is has any one else had this problem as they tell me two people in Cambrige have had to have new vaves fitted again.
Good morning Byron

This is the first time I've heard of the Labcor valve and wonder how long it's been on the market. I'm very glad they are looking after you so well (TEE) and appear to be on top of the situation.

Has an internet search provided more information?

Others will be along soon to help.

Welcome to the zoo, and glad you found us!

another source of info could be the hospital, surgeon, cardiologist or the number on the card that came with the the valve - assuming you got a card with your valve?

I think the vast majority of members here are from the wrong side of the pond, and you may need to wait a wee while (I come from your side of the pond but have lived on this one since 1985) for other UK members.

Sorry this is happening to you - bad enough to have to do it once, but to have to go through it again because of what is, basically, a recall would make me very :mad:
The only things I found were a valve that was stopped in 2001 in Sweden
Between December 1997 and August 1998, 31 elderly patients (mean age 73) had aortic valve replacement using a Labcor stented porcine tricomposite bioprosthesis (Labcor Laboratories, Belo Horizonte Brazil). Doppler echocardiograms were performed at varying times in the postoperative period (4 days to 10 months). In the first week after implant four patients were found to have a high peak gradient across the left ventricular outflow tract (45, 55, 71 and 80 mmHg) with commensurate low effective orifice areas.

Following the mandatory reporting of this to the Swedish Health Ministry, the implant programme was stopped, and the subsequent media involvement ensured that there was wide publicity to the medical community and general public. A subsequent detailed analysis of the results illustrates the complexity of issues surrounding in vivo assessment of valve function and reveals some of the pitfalls that may occur when a new device or technique is introduced into clinical practice.
First welcome to the forum. Sorry you're having this problem and a possible re-op.

Wish I could offer some information but I am unfamiliar with Labcor. If you haven't done so already, you might google Labcor and some other key words such as heart and valve, and see what might be there. I looked and saw some studies but was unsure of their relevance to your situation.

Best wishes....
Welcome from someone this side of the pond. I have mechanical so can't help.

I see you use the John Radcliffe, that is supposedly an excellent heart centre, we have now started to use it for things like angiograms as our consultant cardiologist is an honorary consultant at the John Radcliffe.
Hi too would like to Welcome you to the zoo.
But I have to echo what Eva said "make sure they do not use "Labcor" again"
Good Luck and best wishes from this COLD prairie province of Canada.
Sorry you are having to face surgery again, all the best. Keep us informed.
What a lovely wellcome thankyou all so very much,I am hoping that they can fix the leaks by going up the leg again but its all down to luck.Once again thanks for the wellcome.