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How many of you have a special fur friend that helps you when you are down? I have Zeus. He never argues with me, he never questions me, he never talks back to me. Zeus is my buddy. We walk and he listens to my fears, but doesn't question them. He listens to my complaints, and never gets tired of them. He understands when I am upset, happy or sad, and he never judges me. I would like to introduce one of my best friends: Zeus

If you have a cat, dog, or furry companion that has helped you through some difficulty I would love to hear about them.

Steph, my Buckley is 1/2 Shiloh Shepherd! His father is a Black Lab and his mother is the Shiloh. I had never heard of the breed until we got him. My daughter bought him for me for Christmas 3 years ago for $35! He was 4 months old. Their female Shiloh was all set to breed to another Shiloh and their unneutered Lab decided to do the honors. Buckley was given to someone and then they took him back after the person's house burned down and she had no place for him. My daughter bought him for the cost of the newspaper ad.

Buckley is an incredible dog. My in-laws (who aren't so much animal people) think he's the best dog ever born. My SIL says he's the closest to human she's seen any dog. He's a big love at 120lb. Looks more like a Lab, but has a fair amount of Shiloh fur as well as the snout.

However, my best friend during my VR and pre-surgery tough times was my beloved cocker spaniol Chloe. RIP She never left my side. I think she's the main reason I kept my sanity.

Zeus is beautiful. He looks very much like Buckley's mother. I read that male Shilohs can weigh up to 160.


*Here is my little furry best friend in the world....Her name is 'Suzie' and shes a teeny tiny Yorkshire Terrier....she is sooo clever and I love her to bits. She is 6 years old....
Steph said:
How many of you have a special fur friend that helps you when you are down? I have Zeus. He never argues with me, he never questions me, he never talks back to me. Zeus is my buddy. We walk and he listens to my fears, but doesn't question them. He listens to my complaints, and never gets tired of them. He understands when I am upset, happy or sad, and he never judges me. I would like to introduce one of my best friends: Zeus

If you have a cat, dog, or furry companion that has helped you through some difficulty I would love to hear about them.



Zeus is beautiful. I have two buddies, a male Husky 11 years old, named Chef and a 5 year old female Germansheppard named Savannah. My 35 year old son brought chef home when he was 4 weeks old and didn't even know how to eat. My son said that he had done is good deed for the day, he paid a homeless person $100.00 for him. He is a lover, all he needs is love and food.He will listen to me know matter what I say, and will not talk back, just lays in my lap and looks up with either a sad or happy face. What a dear he is.

Savannah has so much personaliy, she loves to play and invites everyone that comes in my door to play in the yard with her toys. She loves kids, will lick them from the head down to their feet and bring in a frizbee to show them she wants to play. I can tell her to go get anything and she brings the right object to me. When I go shopping I always bring her a toy, I give her her the bag and she takes it out. For at least a few days she carries it with her and even sleeps with it. Savannah is a love, just is very independant and a tease, but I can also take with her and she talks back. Don't know what I would do without my buddies.

:D My grandson is my other buddie, he is my angel. Can't wait to see him for his Birthday on Saturday.:D


I am sure you will get many replies to your thread..because I think many of us have pets. I have a 6 year old Papillon..named Kallie..short for Kalimar..a butterfly...he is known as the Butterfly dog..for their long ears.that look like a butterfly...:) they are mainly show dogs..but, when my daughter bought him for us..I said, he will just be a dog.:D ......He goes everywhere we, ect...Stays in the car..unless it is too hot. Then we have to leave him home for a few hours....but catch the dickens when we get back home.:p Like, why did you leave me? He is laying at my feet now. never wants to be out of sight from me....He has helped me..after my surgery for the walking, ect. have to take him out several times a day.Hubby helps..when it is cold, like tonight.:eek: ...We also have a cat who is age 14. she is an inside cat..and knows in the mornings..when I go back to get in recliner for early news on T.V. she lays in my lap purring......:) loving up on me. so sweet.:) she has also traveled with us. many States, in Motorhome. Loves it.She has probably been to more States in USA than most humans.:p and the perfect traveler.:) Bonnie
I have 2 cats who are more like dogs than typical cats. They greet us at the door, sleep with us, demand to sit in our laps, etc., etc. Aloof they are not.

Here is one of them.
well, first off, we have Miss Sally Sue who is a black and tan hound. Lazy as they come. She just showed up and after a few months when I felt sorry for her, decided to let her move in. She really did. She's over yonder spread out all over the floor.

Then there's Sam, our best cat. He's daughter's. Only guy in the house. He just likes to be loved, like every other guy - human or otherwise.

There's Binky, a tiny black cat, owned by my daughter. She's a little b**ch. One doesn't mess with Binky. She will tear you to pieces.

We also have Penelope, a very smart tabby cat, with lots of white. She uses the toilet. She talks all day and answers when we speak. She carries around a ball, yowling all the while. She is a people cat and likes to help in whatever we do.

Then there is my street kitty. My sister found her at night in the street. She was nearly dead, weighed 10 oz. Sister brought her to me. She was losing her hair, had all sorts of bugs of different sorts. She was about a month old. I took her to the vet and got her fixed up. In a month she gained 2 lbs. She turned out to be orange with very long hair. She's so sweet. Her name is Priscilla, but I call her Kitten. She sleeps with me but doesn't like me to touch her nor does she like to be held. I like to think that Jackie, my sister, is looking down and blessing her.

that's our menagerie and we love them to death, spoil them like children. They are our children.
Just thought I'd revive this thread and post a picture of one of our buddies, Boots. I posted a pic of him eating fruitcake during Christmas season a while back. Here he is on the kitty condo....the thing on the arm of the couch in the background is our female yorkie, Shannon.
Well, my current companion is Ellen Degeneres (see my avatar). She follows me around the house, knows her name, responds to commands. She's mellow enough that she does NOT pick up on my nervousness and thusly act up; she's like the Rock of Gibraltar. (Some animals do sense their humans' emotions and act out on other animals.)

My husband has several cat buddies: Pretty Girl, a Persian spay who will be 13 in March; Rocky, a Persian neuter; Blackie, an ebony/black Oriental Shorthair.

Pretty Girl, Rocky & Blackie sleep on (Blackie) or around my husband at night. I'm already dreading the post-op period for John, having to shoo the cats away, banning them from the bedroom, etc.
We have two Labs, Bella is the chocolate and she is just a stinker, not all that loving but cute. She would have made a great mother though, she takes care of the other one like he's her pup.

Buster is the cinnamon, he was bought as a Lab from a breeder but I think they lied, we think he has some golden retriever and definetly has some Beverly Hillbillies Duke in him. He slobbers, is lazy and has droopy eyes.....but I wouldn't change him for the world, when he is awake, he is the most loving dog. Very jealous too if someone even talks to Bella, but they love each other.
I have three children and three babies.
My cat is weird. We call her oreo. But my true loves are Champ and Tinkerbell-compete opposites. Champ is a goldern retriever mix and Tinkerbell is a pure-bred maltese. Both haven't left my side since the operation. Champ is my protector, supporter, companion. Tinkerbell is my clown.
geebee said:
I have 2 cats who are more like dogs than typical cats. They greet us at the door, sleep with us, demand to sit in our laps, etc., etc. Aloof they are not.

Here is one of them.
That ain't a cat. That's a cougar.
Well, of our current running total of six cats and two dogs, Oscar the cat is our favorite cat of all time and Clover the dog is coming close to being our favorite dog of all time.

Oscar thinks he is our third son. He's nearly eight, a gray splotchy beautiful tabby with dark-lined eyes. He weighs around 15 pounds now and is quite the gentle but strong boss of the entire half-dozen felines! He is the only cat with carte blanche house privileges because he would never dream of doing anything naughty in the house, aside from taking naps on my nicest couch. We love that cat.

Clover is about the ugliest dog I or any of our friends and family has ever seen. She frightens visitors and delivery men. She is nearly seven, with black splotches all over a very rough gray and tan coat. She's part aussie shepherd and reportedly part black lab. I'd guess there's a bit of coyote in her somewhere. One of her eyes is partly blue and she has an enormous body and a tiny pinhead; no keeping a collar on her. She's the alpha and thinks my husband is her mate but she loves me too. We bought her from a creepy former near neighbor and she was almost a seething patch of fleas when we brought her home. We bathed her immediately and she was forever grateful. When we had her one month, she was suddenly stricken with parvo. She'd already had her first parvo shot and was just then due for her second when it hit. The coldhearted vet didn't think she could do anything for Clover but she was willing to try for $1200. We've been told that in our area parvo is everywhere and tracked through the properties by wildlife. I would never choose another fall puppy again, when they are so vulnerable to active parvo. In a day or two she had become skin and bones. We decided to treat her at home and I sat with her in the garage for three days, petting her and talking to her and I just read books to pass the time for me with my hand on her all the while, so she wouldn't give up. A couple of times she got up and staggered outside and I thought it was over. But then she would come back in. My husband hydrated her with a hyperdermic and water under her skin -- which was a nauseating ordeal in itself. But that pitiful trembling mutt without an apparent chance, survived the ordeal! She doesn't seem to be extremely healthy, and I don't know how long she'll live, but we love that dog.
I have three Italian Greyhounds. They have been my lifesavers !! First with my OHS and again when I broke my hip. Had to laugh at some of the replies when some of you said "they don't talk back". My Miss Ellie does ! If she wants something she will sit in front of hubby and yip to tell him and usually she wants food and he will tell her "no", that doesn't go over well with her. She will actually sit and argue with him !! Last night it was cold and he got up to close doggy door and by the time he got back to his chair both Ellie and Doll where jumping at him and barking, just caring on like crazy, running back and forth to door, he finally went and opened doggy door, and he had locked Tanner out. You should have seen how they loved on Tanner, would have thought he had been locked out for hours and in reality only 2-3 minutes. Hubby says oftern,"this isn't our house, they just let us stay here and see to their needs !!
Thanks for all of your replys!! I just love hearing about all of your friends. There is nothing like a silly story about someones pet to put a smile on your face!!:D
