dj/utvolsfan's surgery postponed.

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I just heard from Debbi and her surgery was postponed until tomorrow. She also said AtlantaPat is already in surgery and was in great spirits. I am sure someone will post for Pat later.

I will let you know about Debbi's surgery tomorrow.
I moved her to tomorrow's surgery date, so we'll be waiting to hear how she makes the trek!:)
Debbie you must be calmer than I. If they cancel me I will do it myself and if left unrestrained may perform a non-medical procedure on those that postponed the event.
All kidding aside, we wish Debbi a relaxed, peacefully wait (they have drugs for that) and an uneventful surgery and recovery.
Debbi, "don't step in anything" :)

Pat, by the time you read this I hope you are post surgery and jogging the halls!

rats Debbi...well its probably up to your turn now...well it is in Australia:D ...

I shall be looking for an update on AtlantaPat walking the halls
I agree with Philip's approach. :D

It's awfully tough to get postponed a whole day. I just got moved back to second surgery, and it tested my tranquility.

My sympathies are with you tonight. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow.

Best wishes,