Disney Coronado resort dining???

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
I'm heading to Disneyworld area 6/24 (BTW, my repaired heart's first anniversary!) for the Cat Fanciers' Association annual convention. I'll be at the Coronado resort. Have looked online -- can't figure out whether there'll be much I can eat (maybe it's more "can afford to eat"!). Also, seems to be very trendy -- themed restaurants instead of generic.

Anyone ever been to the Coronado or other midrange Disney resorts in Orlando?
Coronado Springs Dining

Coronado Springs Dining

Hi Marsha,

I was at a conference at Coronado Springs a couple of months ago. There are really two places to eat in the hotel. One is a rather pricey restaurant, which I did not try. The other is a casual food court that is open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It is cafeteria style, serving many types of foods. The breakfast menu is traditional American and Southwestern, for the other meals they have American, Italian, Mexican and Asian sections of the court. You just walk around from one to another, take what you want and, of course, they put it on your bill. Food wasn't bad -- on a par with any of the family oriented franchise eateries.

They also have shuttle buses that will take you all around the Disney properties, but I've heard that the buses are slow, making lots of stops on a circuitous route. I just drove.

The Coronado property itself is delightful. You can take your morning or evening stroll around their man-made lake -- I think it is around a mile. I was jogging laps around it.

Enjoy, and Happy Anniversary!

Thanks so ever much for the info!
When I went to the Disney resort website, I started hyperventilating about meal costs (seemed to start at $25 -- can't imagine spending $25 for breakfast!). Some of my meals are taken care of -- pet food companies tend to court us, since we spend more bucks with them than most cat/dog owners. (And, no, they don't feed us cat chow.)

Am packing my walking shoes and swimsuit to work off the food...
Have Lots of Fun :)

Have Lots of Fun :)

Hi Catwoman - my family and I have stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort - Disney Worlds 'mid' price range. Its fantastic - you can usually eat cheaper at the food court - but the best deal is the 'mug' you buy - it gives you uncountless - coffee, soda, tea etc - for the entire time that you stay. Usually the mug sells for $10.00 - but like I said - that includes free (soft) drinks and coffee the entire time - and that saves a fortune.

Have Fun and say HI to Mickey and Minnie - My family and I travel there quite often - need any other tips - just ask away. I don't think there's a park I haven't been there and done that lots of times.

For my daughters college graduation we gave her a trip to Disney - booked her in the New Orleans - French Quarters - she loved it.. Same deal with mugs. The Disney buses are fantastic and save lots of parking hassles. I like the 4 day 'hopper' pass - as you can go to any park any time for the 4 days. You get a water park included usually and Pleasure Island - that's alot of FUN to.

Epcot is my favorite and bring good comfortable shoes - as EPCOT stands for 'every person comes out tired' and beleive me - your tired. But what a wonderful place. The fireworks are fantastic.. Have FUN and the best and cheapest place to eat at Disney World is either the big "turkey" sticks - or over by the haunted castle - there is a 'clam chowder' 'bread' bowl that tastes delicious and is very filling.

Well, I better go - or I'll be calling and booking myself - since I'm out of work for the next month - I can think of nothing better to do - than go visit Mickey and my friends.. I just love being a 'kid' again...

Hi, HO, Hi, HO its off to Disney we Go !!!

Marilyn, Dick and Judy :)