So how hard is it to get SSA disability with all of the problems I have: 4.9 ascending thoracic aneursym, bicuspid aortic valve disease, history of blood clots and TIAs, AV block, moderate mitral regurg, spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, pacemaker, and histoplasmosis ( among a few other things, depression and anxiety). I left my job of almost 7 years in July because of the stress and moved back home to Ohio, I found a job but the commute was so long, I was gone from home over 13 hrs a day, and my health started to decline, then got a new job, but was so stressed out I only kept it for 3 weeks. So I decided, I might try for disability..... but have heard so many things about being denied over and over. How do they expect my family to survive? I cannot seem to keep a job now because of my health.
I also will not be able to continue to pay for my Cobra so will lose my insurance, NOT good for someone with all of my problems.
I also will not be able to continue to pay for my Cobra so will lose my insurance, NOT good for someone with all of my problems.