Die Cast Cars

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
OK you car guys and gals-

My grandson is into diecast models and I'm looking at several websites, but I'm not very familiar with what the best manufacturers are.

Help me out, please. This would be for Christmas for him.
Is he into NASCAR?

I'm so out of touch with this stuff. I lived in the Matchbox days, so I don't know what's out there anymore. :(
I think he's pretty much into any good quality die cast, NASCAR, classics, muscles, etc. I would like to get him something with good quality so he has a good start on his collection. Probably 1:18 scale.

Looking at the websites, they all look wonderful, but what a collector thinks about them--I haven't a clue.

It all kind of depends on what _exactly_ you are wanting to give him.

Depending on his age (how old is he?), you might consider giving him the "newer" types of cars now that (iirc) Hot Wheels, Matchbox and Johnny Lighting, etc., are producing now....the type that are quite detailed versions of "older" cars.... Course, those I'd suggest be more as collectible items...and not to play with.

If the cars are for play (i.e. are subject to "crashes" and the like), it might be best to purchase the "cheaper" brands, which I've found are just as good as the "brand brand" names (i.e. Hot Wheels, Matchbox)...but offer less detail to those not "into" detail.

Aye...I have a feeling this is as clear as mud.... Guess what I'm saying is that it sorta depends on how old your grandson is and whether this is to be a "collected" car or a "play" car.... Make sense at all?

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
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Hey Nancy,
Here are a few. If he is into firetrucks it is www.code3.net and they have other things also like star wars. Also try www.hasbro.com and www.racingusa.com I hope these help you out some.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Thanks for all the suggestions.

Here's what he told me (my grandson), he is starting to collect serious die cast model cars, the more expensive ones :) , not to play with but as a collection. I asked him about how much they cost and he said about 50-60 dollars. He's kind of mature and serious for his age (he's 10), so I believe this is going to be a true collection as opposed to "crash and trash".

I'm guessing that he probably wants the ones with all the little movable parts with lots of details.
No problem, Nancy.

Your grandson sounds cool...my kinda car-collectin' guy.... Some of the cars they have out nowadays make me wish I was a kid again....the detail is just fabulous :)

Good luck in deciding what to purchase for him, Nancy :)
After I lot of research on the Net I ordered some diecast cars for my grandsons. Just got the shipment.

Youngest is getting a silver Concept Porsche Boxster by Maisto, and oldest is getting a burgundy Porsche Carerra convertible by UT, and I also got two storage cases with checkerboard floors.

Joe thought they were pretty darned snazzy. I can see why people get hooked on collecting these models.

I got them from:

*raises eyebrow at Gina's comment*

Absolutely, Gina! Nothing like the REAL thing ;). LOL!


Now, if only Chevrolet would believe that......

*turns to Nancy*

Those cars sound absolutely excellent, Nancy! Congrats on your decision/purchase! Please be sure to let us know how the grandchildren like 'em :).
Hey Nancy,
Glad you found some cars for the grandkids. I am sure they will enjoy them.
Thanks for posting the site. They have a lot of items and are reasonably priced.
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical

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