Did you have Mitral Valve repaired/replaced during Artic Valve replacement surgery?

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Hi all! I'm having aortic valve replacement in two weeks. I have mitral valve regurgitation because of the defective aortic valve. The surgeon says that he thinks the heart will shrink after aortic replacemnet, and the mitral valve will tighten back up on its own. Has anyone dealt with this? I just hate the thought of doing the a-valve, and then having them say in a year, "well, the m-valve didn't tighten up, so we have to crack your chest again." Thoughts?
I, too, had some mitral valve regurgitation prior to my aortic valve replacement. My surgeon felt as yours does, that the mild mitral regurgitation was normal with a restricted aortic valve and that it would probably settle down after aortic valve replacement. Mine did - I now show only "trace" mitral regurgitation, which is of no concern to my cardio (or to me).

You can also ask your surgeon how he/she will evaluate your mitral valve function before they close your chest after the aortic replacement. I have heard from a couple of folks here who ended up with a second valve replacement at the same time because their mitral valves were not up to the task after their aortic valves were replaced.
I've been living with moderate to severe mitral regurgitation for 12 years now, and they still don't want to open me yet. If it's mild mitral regurgitation, tons of people live their whole lives with no intervention for that. It all depends on the details which your surgeon is best qualified to evaluate.
I had my mitral valve repaired and my aortic valve replaced in Aug. 2012. I have an On-X mechanical aortic valve and the mitral repair includes an Annuloplasty ring. No problems so far.
I was like Steve.....prior to AVR I had mild mitral leak, and the surgeon said he would evaluate it during surgery. He also said that as my heart went back to a more normal size, the mitral valve would likely improve. I didn't end up having anything done to my mitral valve, and the surgeon saw my heart shrink during surgery! I have not had any post-op echos or follow-ups yet, but I hope my mitral valve is fine.
Guest, I have lived with this that you have for many years. I had replacement bypass back in 2001 and heart is back in original shape. This kind of enlargement is reversable and require moniring with regular healthy heart checkups. Just do as the heart doctor and surgeon tells you for after surgery healing. You will be fine. I have dealt with the same problem since birth, and I know that the murmur(which is what the problem is called) can come back or not at all. Just relax and it will be just fine and be sure to keep the questions coming for the doctor and surgeon. Hugs for today.