Did my cath this morning....it's over

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
Yippee....my cath is finished and was a breeze. I was treated like a queen. I never felt a thing and it was over with before I even know it. My cardiologist is hilarious. The entire procedure he was jamming to Bruce Springsteen.

I have no blockages. They might have to do what's called the Bertell Procedure becaue the aorta artery root has some stretching. This will be up to my surgeon when we get into surgery. This is in addition to getting the AOV replaced.

The cath was a breeze though and I'm glad I had it done.
Glad you had an easy time with the cath and have clear artieries.
One more thing 'checked off' the list of things that need to be done.

I remember how relieved I was when my cath was over, it was easy on me and I got a good report. :)
I got to request the music when I had my last one done. It was done to Led Zeplin Houses of the Holy Album! :D
I got to request the music when I had my last one done. It was done to Led Zeplin Houses of the Holy Album! :D

I'll have to remember to ask about that. Because my last cath was rather traumatic (led to an immediate emergency CABG), I'm a little worried about this one. But maybe listening to Gregorian Chant (too somber?) or a bit of bluegrass would help.

Anyway, 'teach, glad it went well.
Glad your s went well ,i had my left right cath through the groin last week all was easy and good results, but got the mother of bruises down my right leg
didnt get any music though ....wouldnt of minded the okey cokey
u put the left cath in the left cath out you pump him full of iodine then watch him shout whoooo the hot flush whooo the hot flush and thats what its all about !!!!


I have a question. I've only come upon this site last week, not know my future, but now have 3/25 to get my aortic valve replaced (leaking) and an aortic aneurysm repaired (will be my 3rd OHS at 44). I feel lucky knowing that I got a surgeon who is well-know, Dr. Gerald Lawrie in Houston - insurance covers him, but does not cover the recommended doctor here in Chicago. Anyway, enough of my bantering, I meet with Lawrie on 3/23 and may or may not need a heart cath; and to be quite honest, that scares me more than surgery because I've had 6 or 7 in the femoral artery and one as a kid done in my arm. Each experience was extremely traumatic - was on Demerol, and it seems I'm allergic to all opiates. I'm trying to be positive about the surgery as well, though still scared since this will be number 3. I'm not sure what to expect with a cath these days, if I need one. It's been about 25 years since the last one.

7/27/78 AVV
3/08/91 AVR (StJ Nr. 25) / Dacron netting over aorta
3/25/09 AVR (StJ ??) Aortic Aneurysm
Glad everything went well. Reminds me of one time in the hospital the doctor was late, and the nurse hooked up his laptop to the big screens We watched part of a movie. I can't remember wich one though.



I had the cath, and the surgery, but let me tell you about the cath. First of all I was prepared and about to be stuck when the cardiologist came in and said my INR was 2.0. So it was postponed until the next day, which also caused my surgery to not only be postponed, but moved to an even better doctor. The techie who inserted the needle into my leg was incredible. Earlier caths had always been done in the crease between my scrotum and thigh; this was actually done almost on top of the thigh, just above the crease. He found that I am 'ticklish" at the spot and was very very cautious. It quick, no pain whatsoever, and not unpleasant in any way.
