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Nancy jane

Hi.hope this isnt too confrsing But interested in thoughts . A week ago I made a dr choice for AVR. - While I was not thrilled with the hospital -"x". -DOCTOR was associated with. BUT I THOT it would grow on me - however in a casual chat w- my husband s gall bladder surgeon the other day he said if it were him he'd not go to that hospital - he'd go to hospital "y". Which would mean another doctor. Since both surgeons are considered excellent - & i had queezy thots anyway i called dr first choice & canceled out. Then went to other dr - with hospital Y - Frankly I think I answered my own question as I feel very very good with the hospital now - and the doctor ( having had hospital doubts before )

So thanks for listening. Lol. Point being. Doesn't the care after the surgery & the confidence & comfort of the patient mean a lot ? Made a feb 9 2012 date. He will do the cath day before. I've heard some say do cath earlier & some agree day before. But this makes sense to me as I'll go from cath to pre surgery - like those before me just wanna feel my old self again & run up those steps !!!

Any thoughts folks ? Thx. Nancy Jane
I would nevver tell anyone if they made the "right" choice for them, but always believe things go best if you listen to your gut. It sounds like you are doing that, since you dont have the doubts you did with your first choice.
Nancy, we focus on the skill of our surgeon but in fact it is the quality of the surgical team that is essential to a good result. When you leave surgery, you are cared for by another team in the ICU and when you leave the ICU you are watched over by the recovery nursing team. It is important that you have confidence in your surgeon and believe that you are going to get excellent care all the way through your hospital stay. If you feel better with your choice now, you are likely to feel better about the whole experience when you are resting at home and asking yourself "is it really over?" I hope all goes well.

Not confusing at all. You followed your gut and heart and changing from your original choice is your right. Going with what feels safe and comfortable in your heart and mind is what needs to be done. Will keep you in my thoughts come Feb. All will be well.