My heart rythum is not coming back as it should, due to all the messing around in my heart that was necessary to replace so much- valve, aortic root and arch with a dacron graft. Apparently that was too much for the circulation in my heart, and the rythum is not what they want it to be. SO, i now have to get a pacemaker. It has not been confirmed, but pretty much the pacemaker people told me I will need it, they just need approval from SUNDT, who indicated yesterday that he would go with their judgment, since it is not his area of expertise. (the more specialized you get in one area, the less general expertise?) Anyway, Im glad I got Sundt for what he is famous for - aortic surgery.
Now just curious how many of you needed to get a pacemaker?
Now just curious how many of you needed to get a pacemaker?