Diabetes Good News

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Next to my birthday greetings on vr.com, my happiest birthday message arrived today from my doctor in form of latest bloodwork results.

I was diagnosed as "prediabetes" (Type 2) last year. Last July my A1C hemoglobin was 7.5.

The latest reading was 6.6!!! My doctor lists my goal as "less than 7.0."

Also the "good" and "bad" cholesterol, triglyceride, and everything else was in a good range. (For example, bad cholesterol 78; goal: less than 130).

Must be doing something right, even if only accidentally. : )

This is something I'll need to continue to watch carefully, I know. I think one of good results of my OHS is that I now pay closer heed to diet and exercise and health in general.

Couldn't resist sharing this bit of good news with vr.com friends.


Cool Beans Rob Ho!!!!

Cool Beans Rob Ho!!!!

As one who is a type 2 diabetic, I certainly can appreciate the celebration of good control. I, however, am a brittle diabetic, so my control is not so easy.....I am always glad to hear when one is doing well with his/her control, whether it be prediabetes or full blown diabetes....Keep Up The Awesome Work, and I know it's hard, but you will do it...Take Care, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Well congratulations! I'm sure your relieved. I hate trying to fall below those numbers. Seems like if you really really try, it doesn't happen, yet don't try and it's magical when it does happen.
I'm glad your numbers are in the range you're aiming for. I guess you aren't eating as much birthday cake as you would like, huh?
Congratulations, Bob. I know from where you come. I was also pre-diabetic last June and with a 17 pound weight loss, exercise and watching the diet, I too just recently got great numbers back. The big goal is to now keep the weight off and the numbers down.:eek:


Congrats on the A1c, mine has gotten down to 5.0. How that happened, I'll never know. I try to not eat much fried foods. Potato chips are my sin food. I am working on it. But everything else was normal. Keep up the good work, you will get the A1C even lower the next time. :)
McCln said:
Congrats on the A1c, mine has gotten down to 5.0. How that happened, I'll never know. I try to not eat much fried foods. Potato chips are my sin food. I am working on it. But everything else was normal. Keep up the good work, you will get the A1C even lower the next time. :)

Wow, Caroline, that's great! I avoid french fries now when we're eating out but potato chips is one of my guilty pleasures too. I've taken to buying those little 25-cent bags and allowing myself just one a day as a reward. That's better than eating a whole big bag of them, which I'd do if I got started on one. :D