deviated septum

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Im one year and 7 months post op on my valve replacement. I was wondering if anyone here has had surgery to correct a deviated septrum after valve replacement. Would I have to come off coumadin before my surgery. This Drs dont answer alot of questions its kinda like a butcher shop sometimes. If any one could describe there experiance with this I would appreciate it. I dont think there is a support group for deviated septrums. Thanks
Well Lee, didn't have one after AVR but I sure had one about 15 years before....Wow are you in for the time of your life!...Only the second most painful thing I've ever been thru! Not that having a deviated septum is any fun either. Having problems breathing? Sinus'? both? Wow it is amazing how much stuff they can pack in there...Ask them about the Splints they put in your nose...Your gonna love those. Not trying to scare you there Lee but it's really no fun....given a choice, I'll do the OHS again thank you.

JohnnyV_46 said:
Well Lee, didn't have one after AVR but I sure had one about 15 years before....Wow are you in for the time of your life!...Only the second most painful thing I've ever been thru! Not that having a deviated septum is any fun either. Having problems breathing? Sinus'? both? Wow it is amazing how much stuff they can pack in there...Ask them about the Splints they put in your nose...Your gonna love those. Not trying to scare you there Lee but it's really no fun....given a choice, I'll do the OHS again thank you.

That dosn't sound very nice, you have my symphathy Lee, hope it all goes well, wish you the best of luck.
Hello Lee,

I'll bet Dr. McGiffin would be willing to give you his opinion either via e-mail or calling his office and speaking with either one of his nurses or his surgical assistant. That would be my first choice in your case.

Second choice would be to ask your cardiologist.

I'm sure the guy who does your septum surgery will have an opinion so you might also want to contact his office.

I just went through Bridging Therapy with Lovenox Injections for some GI procedures. My GI doc wanted to be able to address whatever he found the first time around so was not willing to do it while still on Coumadin. It went OK and i even learned to give myself the injections!

Hope it all works out for you Lee.

'AL Capshaw'
I know I can be blunt, sorry. The one good thing about it is the Recovery time is muich shorter and the results can really be great! I still only have one Nostril that I can breath out of, but one is better than none and I'm not going to go thru it again! I lived on Frozen Chocolate shakes for about a week....It felt like a severe sore throat and Sinus infection all at the same time. If they do it like mine, you won't get stopped up nose anymore when you get a head cold as they remove the tissue that swells up when you get a cold!. It's worth it Lee..Just make sure that they don't do you, like they did me....Gave me Orange juice the first thing after I woke up...YOWWW......Burned like fire!!!.....I called that nurse several not so nice words...

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