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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Well, I figured this call was coming soon. I have been referred to a Dr. Ray Guo at University Hospital in London Ontario. Since many of you have been through this I am making an assumption that you may have some links, connections ETC that may be able to help me out. I am wondering if any of you have heard of him or if you could use any sites etc you may have to try to help me find out this surgeons reputation. I am supposed to meet with him on the 28th of May and will also be having my pre admission work taken care of along with a meeting with the anesthesiologist. Lets just say I have now gone from 0 to 60 when it comes to nerves and this is only the beginning lol. I was told that I can expect the surgery approx. 2-3 weeks after the appointment. Thanks for any help with this one, god bless everyone and talk soon


ok that is freaky, only 1 response on that site? Although it was good comments, i wish there were more lol
full name

full name

I did some searching and found out Dr Ray Guo is also dr. lin-rui guo. Hope this helps somebody help me.
Thank you
I am not sure about your system in Canada. I am wondering if you could ask his assistant for information about him, about his experience with similar surgeries, etc. to have better peace of mind.

Good luck.
London Health Sciences is one of the finest cardiac centers in Canada and is the ONLY hospital place that does minimaly invasive in Southern Ontario LARRY you would have to travel to Ottawa Heart Inst. to da any better......however Here Dr Salasidis has done a few Mitral Prolapse procedures using a beating heart approach via port hole surgery ....sorry I can't find the link to the report on CTV that has led to much international attention