Depression after surgery

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May 13, 2011
Fargo, ND
I'm a 22 year old male who had an aortic valve transplant about six months ago. I've had complications since then with fluid build up and other problems, which have baffled the doctors. I've had to return to the ER several times several times, much to my dismay. My problem though relates to what I've dealt with afterward the hospitalization. I've felt dizzy and almost numb, every time I'm laying in bed and also almost every time I've felt sad or lonely. Feeling that everybody has forgotten about what I've gone through, which I know is selfish. I'm beginning to self-diagnose it and treat it myself with alcohol. At first I dealt with it as a problem of my heart but now I'm beginning to realize it's a problem of depression. Has anybody dealt with this since having surgery?
Depression after heart surgery is VERY COMMON. Alcohol is only going to make your depression worse, and depending on how much you are drinking, it's probably not very good for your heart either. Go see your GP and ask for help. There are drugs out there that will help you and there is no shame in taking them. You may only need them for a short term.

If you do a search on here for depression, you'll find many threads from others who have been in your same situation. Best of luck to you.

I read your message and although I haven't had my surgery yet I think I can understand some of what you might be feeling. There's such a build up to this surgery and it is such a big thing, even if most people don't have complications it is still one of the most major operations, and the fact that your heart is stopped and cut open is traumatic to say the least. And then it must be like after the op all your support is gone and people think it was no big deal what you went through because there you are out the other side and 'recovered'. I think it must be like post traumatic stress but it's not appreciated except by some professionals. I have already read 'Coping with Heart Surgery and Bypassing Depression' by Carol Cohan and that explains it well, but I think even knowing how depression often hits people who have had heart surgery I think it might be difficult.

Have you spoken to your doctor about this ? You probably need some help and soon.

all the best,
I was fortunate that a hospital psychologist came to see the day before my surgery to talk about the possibility of experiencing depression afterwards. I hadn't given it any though beforehand and only had been concerned about the procedure itself.

I was glad to be forewarned, but still suffered from some pretty severe bouts of depression afterwards. At first it would overwhelm me and I would just start sobbing for no apparent reason. It was tough on both my family and me.

It got better over time, but I still would get the 'blues' on occasion. Give it time and don't be afraid to discuss it with your doctor.

Good luck,
What you are feeling is very common and I am sorry that you had not found the forum as a sounding board BEFORE surgery keep posting here and talk your way through each day and each bump in the road .....IT DOES GET BETTER you among friends/family all brothers and sisters in OHS so WELCOME and have a good day one day at a time
I agree with the other. Depression after surgery is very common. I went through that after my surgery. Give it time and hopefully you will get out of it. Good luck and keep us posted.

PS: Welcome aboard !
What the others have said is right on -- depression is very common after OHS. It usually goes away with time, but definitely talk to your doctor about it -- help is available if needed. Alcohol would make the problem much worse in a number of ways.
Heart surgery is very traumatic, you are not alone. Hopefully you can find a good therapist to chat with,
and become engaged in some kind of activity for your mind and soul. The first couple of years I did quite a bit
of on line shopping ;) tons of Sudoku puzzles, crosswords, etc. Whatever it takes to get through it.
Oh, and skip the booze, that will only make things worse. Eat a pint of ice cream.
Your obviously a fighter as you chose to have the operation, you must now grow and become the person you really can be. Everything in moderation is ok, cut yourself off and drink water, get out for walks, ride a bike, go for a swim, join a club to socialize.
Make your life busy and you will grow stronger each day. It is NOT a sign of weakness to talk with someone, it may help you put things back into prospective.

You are alive and you have people that love you.

Good luck and stay positive.
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i have a kind of wacky theory that's not so vague about depression after heart surgery... basically, i think your endocrine system takes a beating during surgery. For example, your kidneys are a critical area that's known to often suffer complications during/shortly after surgery. The pituitary is also assaulted during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Basically, I think heart surgery patients have adrenal insufficiency afterward. When your body needs your adrenal system the most, it just underwent a serious challenge and probably trauma.
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Hang in there. The way you're feeling right now is temporary. It will pass. Gotta chime in with everybody else: alcohol is a depressant and will make things worse exponentially. Don't isolate, talk to people, focus on the positives and see your doctor if the depressions lingers.
I have Anthem/Blue Cross, and to my amazement they called within a few weeks post not only OFFER, but urge me to really think about using their services in the post-op period. I find that astounding, and awesome. You can be sure I will use it, now! Post-op can be soooo difficult!!!!
Call your insurance and see if they're as awesome as mine is..... What an amazing thing! Michellemar
I just passed the 10 week post op mark and my affect is flat, I am having problems getting moving taking care of details. I see the Cardio next week and set a return to work date. I NEED to return to work and collect a paycheck, but it produces some anxiety about "Can I do it yet" "is it too soon? " but 12 weeks sounded like sooo much time off before I had the OHS. I was on antidepressants before surgery for an old anxiety disorder and the recene death of my husband. I joke that I could cheer up an army with my meds, but this is a very weird feeling. Intelectually I know it is the result of the surgery and its effect on my body, I do believe that all will continue to get better, but some days it is hard to remember that. Don't spend too much time alone, it is a bad idea. I am glad you found this forum, it has helped me alot!
Most of us have experienced this to some degree and understand what you are going thru. Depression after heart surgery is well known. Please talk with your Dr and seek treatment. Cardiac rehab is also a great place to learn and get back on track both physically and mentally. Over time you will heal physically and mentally but sometimes both things need professional help.
Your body is young enough to handle the surgical impact but it is important not to burden it with other problems like excess alcohol consumption. It will get better but in the meantime seek some help to get to that better you.
I suggest you find a liscenced mental health counselor to talk to. Counseling has better long term results than medications. I was traumatized and depressed after my surgery, I had about 5 visits to the ER after my surgery and it really wore me down. I'm 10 months out now and I feel so much better, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Besides therapy the biggest turn around for me was the holiday's I kept busy with planning dinners and buying gifts. Also studying for the GRE has helped. I suggest you find something to immerse yourself in, something to get you feeling like a whole person again and not just a heart patient. You need to do things that put the surgery behind and give you a perspective that your life is moving on.
do what i do man! get out there, do something, be around people, and the part that i enjoy the most is.... tell everyone what the hell you have gone thru! it will be very relieving for you to get this off your chest(no pun intended) haha to funny!

i have also taken this 2nd chance to do more stuff for others around me. i volunteer at a local park and am on the board of directors for another group!

you have to stay positive and upbeat! we are lucky! we are both young and have had an amazing surgery! enjoy yourself! you need to keep busy!

if you want to talk to me on the phone send me a pm and i would be more then happy to give my two cents worth and listen to your expierence also!

hang in there man!!