Dentist for tooth extraction

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Janet UK

Jun 9, 2012
My root canal is infected for the 2nd time. After another 5 day course of antibiotics (amoxicillin), it looks as if the infection has not cleared and I'll need the tooth extracted. I'll take 2mg of amoxicillin 1 hour before and the Warfarin Clinic have advised that the extraction can go ahead with my INR below 4.
I had my Mitral Valve replaced with a St Jude bi-leaflet 11 months ago. Would there be other precautions I need to take? If anyone has had a tooth pulled on Warfarin, how long does it take to clot? The tooth concerned is the upper 3rd along from the back (not very technical). I have a root canal filling covered by a crown. I am a little concerned about the risk of Bacterial/Infective Endocarditis. Wondered if others have any experience to share about dentists and their approach to MHV/Warfarin patients.
Hi Janet,

I work in Oral Surgery. For our patients on Coumadin all we usually need is the INR the morning of surgery. None of our patients have had clotting issues or any post treatment complications. Hope this helps, good luck.
Hi Janet. I had two back teeth pulled about a year ago with no problems and have had a lot of dental work since my operation in 1967 without problem......and I have never gone off warfarin in advance of any of that work and have experienced only normal bleeding. I think you meant to post 2000mg, not 2mg of amoxicillin and that dose is what I have always taken before dental work.
Janet - I'd expect that the worst case is that if bleeding won't stop while you're at the dentist's office, then they might put in a suture to hold the wound closed tighter. I've had to have that done, and I'm not even taking warfarin.