I had an extraction with stitches and a bone graft done two weeks ago. The dentist handed me 5 antibiotic tablets about 15 minutes before he gave me shots in mouth. He said the first shot bled a little and he waited a couple of minutes and then went back in. He said there was very little bleeding so he was happy with how it all went. I took antibiotic for a week after along with a steroid. He also ordered that super duper mouth wash that I used for a month before open heart surgery. My INR has not been therapeutic the last few months as I have had other health issues but went in yesterday and wa la.......1.6, finally. My range is 1.5 to 2.0. All is good.
I will tell you though and this is only me and the way I handle it. I do not let a dentist in my mouth without antibiotic, whether it is just a standard one or two pill dose for check up, and I tell them very sternly that I want no infection. I am in AZ now and not at my regular dentist but he was very good. He is also very young and well versed in mechanical heart valves, wanting to know my last INR. I swear if you line them all up I am going to take the youngest ones each time as they are new but very advanced in what they know(seems to me anyway)
You will do well, just tell them what you know and ask questions.