Dental work on coumadin

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My dentist made a comment yesterday..he had prepped a tooth for a crown..said..I'm surprised how quickly I was able to take an impression (for permanent crown)..About 10 minutes for the area to be free of blood.:) with you on coumadin..Also had 2 fillings..lots of drilling..No bleeding..No pain..:) I felt like I had had a stroke for about 4 hours until the numbness wore off.(around my mouth)..:D Rinsing with a glass of water and couldn't find my mouth.:p Bonnie
Going back to dental visit..Tech says to dentist. when he walks in the room. Miss Bonnie hour ago..but she is still on coumadin. he said..that is fine..I'm seeing more and more patients on plavix now. NO worry..but may take a little longer to clean up her extraction to get a good impression.(didn't want any blood)..neither did I for an $800.00 crown:D 10 minutes later. he said..My goodness. ready to go for that impression.:) All dried up, ect...Pefect impression(Tech held it for exactly 6 minutes)Dentist said. Great impression..:) Put a temp in it for a month. I looked after my numberness went away. looks like a new tooth.:) ..No pain..but for first time..I did have diarrea when I got home from Amox..Went away soon. Bonnie
Thought you must be gone somewhere today. Your dentist sounds like he is a really good one and a nice man. You had some extensive stuff done. I don't mind going to the dentist but I do hate the last part - the bill. sounds like you are doing well. You might be sore from the shots! I usually am. When's John going to get his finished?
Glad it was comfortable for you and that you had a dentist who understood the necessity for you to remain anticoagulated. I need a crown on my back tooth very soon. This will be the first one since I started Coumadin. I hope I have the same kind of good experience that you had.
Kind regrds,