Dental pre-meds

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
Why is it that a dentist thinks that they can get off telling me that Caleb won't need pre-med because they don't think that they will be close to the gum line???? Is it so hard to just call it in? I can't believe that they are even suggesting that he doesn't need this.

Needless to say after three phone calls and me almost canceling the appointment we are getting the pre-med!


My dentist doesn't take chances. His office manager always calls me the day before the appt to make sure I have my meds.
Get your PCP to write an Rx for the meds and have it marked for monthly refills for one year. That way, you'll have as much as needed and not have to rely on your dentist.

My PCP wrote my Rx for amoxicillin, and I keep capsules at work, home, overnight bags, my cat show judge briefcase & my cat show grooming bag. You never know when you'll need those suckers!
(I also keep a variety of bandages in the overnight bags, briefcase and grooming bag.)

BTW, I was told not to have any dental work for 3-6 months post-op.
Yes. Please double check with surgeon or cardio as to how soon you should take Caleb to the dentist (not to mention the torture factor!!!:eek: :p :eek: .......I mean no kid likes the dentist!!)

I think I actually got a card after my surgery spelling out the need for prophylactic precautions. Didn't you get something when you were discharged? I'd show it to him. Personally, after that....I'd find a new dentist.

DROP THIS DENTIST NOW!!!! I have a running script for pre-dental meds with my cardio. Also, the first thing the girl asks me when I come in the door is if I have taken my meds. This guy/girl sounds like a reckless idiot!!


Sounds as though your Dentist needs to be re-educated about the protection that antibiotics provide. On one occasion I forgot to pre-medicate for my 6 month cleaning. That is the first thing they ask me, "Have you taken your medication"? When I said "No", they keep extra Amoxicillin on hand, so they medicated me there in the office. I appreciated that very much. I haven't fogotten to take my Meds since that happened. Maybe you should find another Dentist.
Yes, please check with your cardio or surgeon to see when he can got to the dentist. My card told me 3 months minimum but 6 months is preferable. The lining of the heart is still rough from being operated on. There is a chance bacteria could get caught in there.

Always Premed even if they just probe around!!! Get a new dentist if he doesn't agree.
Better safe than sorry. My dentist won't see me unless I've pre-medicated on my Clindamycin.
At the same time he knows I'm not a "bleeder" and doesn't make a big deal about my Coumadin - he's done extractions and other procedures without having me reduce or go off my Coumadin.
dentists... ughhhhhhh

dentists... ughhhhhhh

just came from the dentists, first things he asks is did u medicate.... then he asks wat the inr is today i was at 2.9 and he let his hand slip. guess wht im finding a new dentist. talk about bleeder.... now i got a blood lump under my tongue and i cant even talk... man did i wanna kill him. i guess this is why the doc tells me to try and get it down to a 1.5 before a appt. but once it goes down i can never get it straight aagaIN.. this is onyl my fourth week at 3.0 and ive been on this med since 2003... took me 3 yrs to get the dose right... im so confused with this stuff....:(
Were back!

Were back!

Well the Cardiac NP said to go ahead with the appointment because there wouldn't be any poking around on the gum line. We did get the pre-med after telling them I wouldn't have any hands in his mouth without it. The first thing they asked was "did he have his pre-med?" You can imagine my response! They didn't have a clue as to what they were doing when I got there, they thought he had a tooth ache... apparently they can't hear or something. I specifically told them that a filling fell out during intabation. Now I must say this is not Caleb's normal dentist, she is CA with her 8-year-old son who is having open heart surgery. I know that she would know better than to even have him walk into the office without a pre-med. I feel very comfortable with her because she knows ALL of the risks involved with the heart and dental work!

His appointment only lasted 5 min with the dentist!

Rich, I can't imagine what the dentist is doing to you to ask you to get the inr down to 1.5? Even to have my gums scaled my (previous) dentist wanted it down to 2.5. Current dentist doesn't have the requirement.

I think you need to print the ADA recommendations off Al Lodwick's website and take them to your dentist. Or maybe find a new dentist who doesn't nick you.
Glad to hear things went so well.............

Glad to hear things went so well.............

And hope your dentist's child comes through surgery okay. Many hugs. J.
Richnlil2 said:
just came from the dentists, first things he asks is did u medicate.... then he asks wat the inr is today i was at 2.9 and he let his hand slip. guess wht im finding a new dentist. talk about bleeder.... now i got a blood lump under my tongue and i cant even talk... man did i wanna kill him. i guess this is why the doc tells me to try and get it down to a 1.5 before a appt. but once it goes down i can never get it straight aagaIN.. this is onyl my fourth week at 3.0 and ive been on this med since 2003... took me 3 yrs to get the dose right... im so confused with this stuff....:(
My INR usually runs around 3.4 and I NEVER change it for dental procedures. Yes, I might bleed a little longer than others but the bleeding does stop. Yes, I usually have lumps in my gum where the anesthetic is injected but they do go away. I refuse to have a stroke in order to have my teeth cleaned.
You definitely need a new dentist.
Dump the Dentist

Dump the Dentist

You go girl!!! Good job holding your ground on this! I wouldn't hesitate to dump a dentist that wasn't on the conservative side of preventative care for my little one. I recently went in to have a small procedure done that in no way should be of any concern and my dentist was insistant on me taking my premeds. I was hoping I wouldn't have to because they can make my stomach hurt.. but the nurses comment was 'he likes to be safe in case by accident he accidentaly nicks a gum'. Of course he didn't even get close to my gum, but I was safe because of his care and concern. It makes you kinda question the way a flipant dentist takes care of other things if he would put a little ones life at stake!! :eek:
:D :D Deana
I got in too much of a flury to respond to the original post that I just saw the second update. Sounds like when your regular dentist gets back you couldn't be in better hands. But, with a sick child she may have to miss alot...maybe she can 're-educate her associate'! xxooDeana

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