Thanks Bonnie for some helpful information. Yes, the south is very hot. I'm glad you don't experience this intense sweating. I do take other meds - but nothing I didn't take before my surgery - as a matter of fact the only new med has been my coumadin. But, I had noticed it shortly after I started to walk alittle faster - even in the air conditioned - I just sweat alot more and of course that means - I've got to replenish it.
Thanks Bob, I'm glad your not angry about my workout. As I read your post - I do remember thinking around the 3.5 mile mark to the 4 mile mark where I felt like I had hit the 'wall' and I didn't think I had enough energy to get past it. But I walked alittle slower and kept the same pace I did eventually get a second wind but it only lasted about a mile.
It just felt awesome to be able to get outside and do a workout. I'd been wanting to do a 6 mile walk for weeks - its actually 6 miles from my house to our grammar school and I've done that course a million times - its somewhat hilly and challenging. I'm rather please I finished it - even if it was just a walk. After all you need to take the baby steps before you can jog and then run and I felt like I got some good baby steps in. 3.5 more weeks and I can start to run and race - although I'm going to be able to run - I'm sure it will be a light jog - and I'm not planning on doing any 'real' racing till the middle of September when it gets cooler. My first race is a 5 miler on the beach - and I'm sure it will be cool. I've done it the last 3 years and its always nice weather with a nice breeze and they have lots of water stops. I may walk a race or two before then -just to get the butterflies out of my stomach.
I still think there's something related to this mechanical valve or coumadin that is causing this profuse sweating - I noticed it from the very start of my rehab. IF there's one thing I know its 'how' my body is reacting to my level of exercise. I know every little sign of what's coming down the pike and how I can offset it. Now all I need to do is find something that 'works' to offset this sweat. When I first got progammed on my ICD for exercise - I could tell the hills and stairs were going awful - as I could not breath at all. The hills really ruined my race time. SO after about 6 mos of searching for an answer I was finally told by a company 'rep' that the machine does not comprehend the up and down motion - therefore it doesn't give you your 'extra' needed heart beats to do this level of exertion.. OOOOhhh now I get it... :-( Thanks for the info. It sure explains alot.. SO what I did - as the rep suggested - was to warm up the machine - run alittle to get the machine to start registering flat movement and then run up the stairs.. It worked if the stairs weren't to many or the hills to steep.
Right now - my electrician tells me I'm beating on my 'own' - Yes, my heart is beating on its own - all the time - right now - it hasn't done that in years. I was always "paced" a certain percentage. Right now - I'm not - my electrician doc are very excited and really thinks by getting this valve replaced it may help alot in preventing more tacycardias and arrhythmias with my electrical system.
We shall see - My INR is up one week and then down the next and then up and then down - every week its changing. I was so use to eating a heart healthy diet for years - salads, green veggies - I love broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts and I love summer squash (that's yellow) what the heck is that doing on the list !!! Anyways, I'm learning more and more how to control this with diet. I just found out yesterday that licorice effects our levels - I've been munching on licorice for the past few weeks ad never gave it a thought - its RED !!! and then fried onions - I love fried onions.. Yokes in eggs too - I had an egg salad sandwich last week - anyways I came in on my INR at 1.6 this week !!! So, I really started to think - mmmm what did I eat.. Not good.. I think I can do better.. Its not that I intend to totally knock it out of my diet - but I surely can watch how much I intake - if I know it effects it. The other day I sat down and wrote down all the things I CAN 'eat' and I'll take that to the grocery store and buy those items - then I don't think about my old items I use to buy - I'll have a list of just the ones I can buy. Its much easier to shop that way.
My husband and I are going to Montreal this weekend - they have very gooood food up there. They may use olive oil - so I may need to watch out for that. That's another thing we used at home to - olive oil. Actually, I discovered we at quite a bit of Vitamin K. But like I said - I don't intend on stopping it completely - just cut it down and hopefully get my INR up there without more meds.
It seems my coumadin clinic lady is tooo busy to call me each week to give me instructions on how to change my doseage. I called her last week - and she said - I was going to call you - if you had given me a chance. Which it had been two days since my test - anyways she was very rude to me and so I just said - Fine, if you don't have the time then I'll take care of this myself - don't worry - she said: are you sure that's ok - I said; sure - well if you have any trouble you can call me. Right like I'm going to call you and get my head taken off.. I don't think so. The place I go to get my blood taken - there is a coumadin nurse there as well - and she's very nice -so I think she's going to be helpful. Its just that my cardiologist wanted my regular doctors office to handle it - so they would know what meds I was on and so forth and I agree whole heartedly that I wanted them to do it to. But I'll be darned if I call every week and get my head taken off. I don't need that aggrevation - but on my next appt with my cardiologist - I will tell him about this lady. Everyone else is so nice there - except the coumadin clinic people tend to 'act' like they're 'god' and how everyone is suppose to suck up to them - well even the docs and the surgeon didn't act that way. I don't know why they think they can. They make me feel like I'm a big 'bother' and I'm only doing what I'm suppose to do. Its a wonderful hospital - just an awful coumadin clinic. I should probably call my cardiologist and tell him and get someone to help me up there - but I hate to sound like I'm complaining and I didn't think they're doseage was all that great - as I tended to go up and down with them. I think its my diet and if I can get that consistent then I can get my INR consistent. SO we'll see and I'll try it a couple weeks and see how it goes. They are suppose to be trying to get me a home monitoring kit - and if they do that - then they will have to help me doseage my meds - as I won't have any other coumadin nurse to help me.
Well, as usual I wrote a 'book' - thanks everyone for all your input and suggestions. I'm going to get to the bottom of this sweat and find out how I can offset it so I can still do my distance runs without dehydration and without carrying a jug of water. I'm sure there's something I could do to help me.
Happy Trails
Runner (Marilyn)