Declined Life Insurance

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Well-known member
May 25, 2010
I'm gutted, I've been declined life insurance!! What they are expecting to happen to me! Drop down and die ?? Spoken to the medical underwriter and she told me that they just use a system but haven't referred it to their cardiologist or Chief Medical Officer! I explained that I've got so much reassurance on my condition, and its unfair!
I can't speak to your specific situation, but when I applied here in the US, it wasn't easy but did finally work out in the end. I got my policy abot 5 years ago I think it was. I am (well, was) bicuspid aortic valve and Type 1 diabetic, so I assume both contributed to the difficulty. My echo results should still have been in the mild range then, though. Anyway, in the end, I got a 30 year term policy, but it was about twice the premium for half the coverage as my wife's policy. I'm sure glad I wasn't a smoker too! So, maybe in 25 years when my policy expires, I can give them a call and tell them I deserve half my premiums back. :rolleyes:

So, my point is...don't give up yet, keep trying. Perhaps there will be some here who know more of the ins and outs of insurance that will offer advice. I think I even remember seeing a thread several months ago about a post-surgery policy too, so you might try doing a search. Good luck!
My husband & I have both had OHS (MVR for me, MV repair for him).
Last December we applied for $25,000 life and a long-term care policy. I did not expect to get approved and we weren't surprised. The offer was through my husband's employer but was not a group policy.
My husband is 65, could retire but is working in case something happens to my job. I'm 4+ yrs younger.
Our house is paid for. No kids. So I'm more concerned about health ins.
We do have life through our jobs.
Sorry to hear you have been declined. I don't know anything about how insurance companies base thier decisions, have you tried another carrier. Maybe a note from your cardiologist will help, from reading your post so far it doesn't sound like your at any greater risk than anyone else who drives the M1 daily.
I'm gutted, I've been declined life insurance!! What they are expecting to happen to me! Drop down and die ?? Spoken to the medical underwriter and she told me that they just use a system but haven't referred it to their cardiologist or Chief Medical Officer! I explained that I've got so much reassurance on my condition, and its unfair!

Not sure what type of Life Insurance you applied for, but you (may) qualify for what's called Final Expense insurance. There is a company in Toronto Canada called Forester's that may be able to help you. If you want you could send me a PM and I can give you more information and find out what meds and other details are involved. I have this policy myself, and I am an agent, however....I am not licensed in your area, so we would need to get an agent for you. The top end is only $35K, but it is better than nothing. You could try some other companies as well. :)


Hope it works out.
Back when Chris was a baby we tried to get him life insurance as a rider on our own policy. This was never a problem with our other children. But Chris was declined. All we asked for was a $10k child rider and we couldn't even get that for him. I don't hold out much hope for him later on either. He's going to need a group plan through an employer for sure!
Hi, try a UK Specialist adviser. I got insurance through Lifesearch ( 9 years ago after undergoing all sorts of tests (Including heart). The tests were negative at the time but they knew which companies to approach. There is no extra charge since the life companies pay a commission.
He's going to need a group plan through an employer for sure!

This is often the only way for a person with a serious, or lifelong, health problem to access life insurance at a normal cost. Group term insurance, in the USA, always has the guaranteed right of conversion to a personal "permant" policy if you leave that employer. This conversion must be done within 30 days after termination of employment. That is the only way I was able to acquire my own personal life insurance, and I was in the life insurance business. Since the "permanent" premium is quite a bit higher than "term" insurance, most peoply do not exercise this conversion right. However, the additional premium that is paid builds "cash value". In my early 70s, I used my existing "cash value" to exchange those policies for a "guaranteed paid-up policy" with that insurance company. Now I have a good amount of life insurance that I no longer have to pay premiums for in my old age.....another example of "pay me now or pay me later".

Many employers offer voluntary life insurance, normally with some amount of "guaranteed issue" thru payrole witholding. These policies go with the employee, if employment terminates. These are good deals if your employer offers a program.

There are also a number of "special risk" insurers who will issue poicies for folks like us. However, the policies will normally be "premium rated up" and will not have all the "bells and whistles. It is a good idea to find a "professional agent", who can help in cases like this.
Concerning group health insurance I know in California you cannot be denied coverage if you have pre existing conditions. I looked into this a couple of years ago because I didn't have health insurance and my then employer didn't offer health insurance. What I was going to do is open up a small "company" and "hire" a family member and with this apply for group health insurance. In the state of California all you need is more than one person in your "company" to be considered a group. This was going to be the only way I was going to be able to get private insurance with a pre existing condition and get the life saving surgery I needed. Thank God I ended up getting a job at a hospital and got coverage that way.

I don't know if this strategy applies for LIFE INSURANCE in your state or country but it might be worth looking into.
How disappointing! :frown2:

I found a downloadable document on the British Heart Foundation's website that gives some links to insurance companies to try:

These companies are not endorsed by the BHF but it's a start and may be useful for UK people seeking Travel, Life or Motor insurance. The link should take you to a page where you can initiate the download (a .pdf file).

Hope this helps you, malteser.
Regular life insurance can deny you because of you being a heart patient and if you ever had any bypass surgery. I had one when I was a child, which covered heart patients. It is hard to find the ones that will cover you, life insurance anyway. You may life for the next one hundred years and most of them will decline to carry you. If you have medical insurance, I would be happy with that. Life insurance for cardiac patients are few and far between, even with preexisting conditions, which we had not choice when born with it. I hope you will keep looking into this. There has got to be some company out there that does cardiac patients. Some charge a bit for coverage. Good luck. Hugs for today.
Hi all,

Thanks for all your replies. I am sending them a letter to re-assess my application. I told them that at least I'm being monitored, there are people out there, which can be as much as 2-5% of the population, who have the same condition, and are not being monitored! After all, every single person is at risk of something! I think they should be reassured that I’m being monitored.

What really annoyed me is that when I was talking to the medical underwriter who made the decision, I thought that she is going to know everything about my condition (me being naive) and I said to her that I’m guessing she knows all this medical terms etc.... She told me no, I don’t know anything about the condition or medical terms!! So I asked her how she based her decision, did she referred it to a cardiologist for example... She told me no, she said that she plugs my data into a computer and it gives a score..., I’m guessing...

Anxiety - 7
Heart Valve abnormal - 10
Aorta dilated - 10
High BP Readings - 8
Total 35, greater than 25 (for example) = DECLINE - HIGH RISK PATIENT!! -

Ridiculous! I could do her job!!, that’s when she asked me to send her all the correspondence from my cardiologist etc to re-assess my application. I am sure they will decline again, as if their computer already said no, than it’s a no!, ..... I wish I could sue them for all the distress they cause by going against the professionals reassurance and basically tell me, nope, we don’t trust you are going to live long enough to pay and we don’t trust your cardiologist, or any other professional, or even the actual statistic of your condition! We got a stupid operator who choose data from a drop down menu , and a machine that generate scores, that’s whom we trust!!
Please some one reassure me... does it mean my condition carrys poor prognosis ?...
I got life insurance at one time, but they excluded paying out if I died from my current heart condition (but if I say developed coronary artery disease and had a heart attack, they would pay). I was fine with them putting this exclusion in, it was the only way I could get it. I let that policy expire at some point and since I don't work, my husband doesn't need to replace my income, so I haven't looked for a replacement.

I have to agree with Dick on this not having any bearing on your health or how long you will live. They are just trying to lessen their risk, so any one who has a pre-existing condition is going to have a harder time getting coverage.
Hi Sorry I haven't replied , but I ended up in hospital With another panic attack! Thanks everyone for your replies and sorry to be such a nuisance! I need to cut these constant obsessions and worries! the I insurance company wrote to me and said that ,I need to understand that, they get the opportunity to see me and assess me once, whilst medicals have the opportunity to follow me up, treat me if necessarily etc, and that this is the reason that they decline. They said because if I don't attend elective surgery if or when its needed, then what will the outcome be!

Piglet, I had a look at those websites, thank you so much for your effort. Pulse insurance said that there are 3 who could consider my application and another 4 declined. I think I'm going to give up, perhaps I open a share account place money in shares and bonds.
Sorry to hear that you were in the hospital. I think you are right, put money aside yourself and move on.

If you live your life obsessing and worriying about dying then you are not living at all.
...... I ended up in hospital With another panic attack! Thanks everyone for your replies and sorry to be such a nuisance! I need to cut these constant obsessions and worries!.

No need to apologize for having feelings like these, everybody has them. The thing we must do is put the "obsessions and worries" in their proper place. Surgery on the heart seems to bring out fears that other surgeries don't, although it is not nearly as serious as some other procedures. My docs told me, a long time ago, that the heart was just a BIG muscle, easy to work on and an organ that recovered pretty fast........but I still worried....a lot....for a long, long time. I came out of a generation of "big boys don't cry" and never sought therapy to help deal with the real problem of "post traumatic stress" that follows this surgery. You WILL physically recover....and some professional therapy will help shorten the mental recovery......and make life a lot more enjoyable:smile2:. Best Wishes:thumbup:.