Debbie's surgery coming up

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Tomorrow is Debbie's cath and Tuesday is her surgery.

Just want to wish you all the best as you head for surgery. It'll be the birthday for your brand new shiny fixed up heart. I hope someone can post for you, you know how we all worry.

God Bless, and we'll talk to you later.
Nancy, thanks for the heads up.
Debbie- I'm just one of the many here who will be thinking of you tomorrow for your cath and Tuesday as you head into surgery. We'll all breathe a little easier when we hear that the big event is over and you're doing well.

I'll be thinking about you too Debbie. I've had several caths and found them to be painless for the most part. I hope my doctor does the cath and surgery close together too. My experience was that I was pretty sleepy the whole day after the cath, which would be a good thing for me leading up to surgery. Give us a shout from the other side once you feel up to it.

Good Luck! The cath is no big deal if you follow their instructions and lie still for a few hours afterwards. Since you will stay in the hospital, you'll have no problem between the cath and the surgery.

Stay strong and think how soon this will be over and you'll be fixed up good as new. Keep in touch - we'll all be thinking of you.
Debbie -- I'll probably not hear of your outcome until a bit after you are all through and home again since I am going in right after you (Thursday). So -- take care & we will see each other on the other side of that ole mountain.

Re: the cath. I was a real wimp about that, and it turned out to be easy. I don't suppose they all are, but I think from what I've heard that most are. The only thing I remember about the actual procedure that bothered me was it was so COOOOOLD in that cath lab. I asked for a blanket and they wrapped me up in a nice warm fuzzy one except for the part that has to stay bare. The other annoying thing was the prickly feeling as the hair that was shaved was growing back. But I don't think that will be a prime concern for you since your surgery is so soon after your cath. You'll have other things to think about. Be well!
If you're able to get on line tonite - hope the cath went well and the surgery's a breeze!!!

Hope someone will post for you so we know how you do.

I hope the cath went well. Good luck and Godspeed tomorrow.

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