Dead sheep? on beach

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Went for a peacefull walk on the beach today and this is what i found. I rang the council and they said they would come and move it but they didn't, must of thought i was some kind of mad woman on the phone lol. We pay £97.00 a month council tax so i would expect better service than this. I think it is a sheep but not to sure, looks like its been in the sea for some time. I can't even go to the beach for peace now, last thing i expected to see on the beach:eek:
Not a nice site. Hope it is taken care of soon. A nice quite walk on the beach sounds heavenly, one you deserve.

Hope all is well.
Yuuuuuuckkkkkk...looks like it is smelly too.....

I still cant get over your UK beaches......they dont have sand:confused:
Ross said:
I can't tell what that is. So now your a beach paleontologist? :D

I'm a what? too hi-tec for me, don't know what that means:eek: .

I took the picture the second time i went just to see if they had moved it. Only a 10 minute walk from my house. Unfortunatly the tide was coming in, so it may just get swept back to sea. I will go back and see tomorrow thow because it was disgusting and loads of flys round it.

aussigal, the beach is not as bad as it looks, you go down a ramp, it starts off with pebbles, then probably around a mile strech of sand, when the tide is out.
Other gross things on beaches:

This week on South Padre Island (very near the tip of Texas where it meets Mexico), a human leg, complete with barnacle covered tennis shoe, washed up on the beach. Because of the barnacles, they figure it had been in the water a while, but not sure where it might have come from. Apparently, the shark that ate the rest of him didn't like Nike! :D

There was also a body found in Galveston Bay, naked and hands bound, found floating. They've identified that one and already arrested eight people. However, it had both legs, so the two aren't related.
paleontologist-doe's that make me important them:D .

it was still there today, so a rang again:mad: but havn't had time to go back and check to see if they have moved it yet.

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