This not a heart-health question, but it is a "heartstrings" question. I have posted in the past about my daughter Stephanie, and grand-daughter, Ellie. Little Ellie is very slim-75% in height & 5% in weight. (Her Dr. saya that is not a problem.) I got the following from Stephanie today, and I have so much respect for the wisdom of so many of you, that I thought I would seek out your opinions as to what would be best to do.
So, I'm at Starbucks, sipping a latte, enjoying free internet. Only instead of enjoying my time here, I'm typing away about Ellie. Ok, I clearly need advice. It's our second day at the daycare. I was there for a hour yesterday morning and an hour this morning. I'm overall very happy with how the place is run and how the kids are treated/cared for. However, I have an issue and I'd love some advice/suggestions on the best way to deal with it.
There's this boy in Ellie's class named Axel. In the two hours I have been in the room, I have seem him push Ellie down on the ground three times and shove her once. He has pushed another little girl down 3-4 times and pulled another little girl's hair twice. He sent this second girl flying by running into her (on purpose). She didn't just hit the ground, like she got knocked over. She actually flew a little bit before she hit the ground. In my opinion, the teachers were actually working to avoid this. They clearly know this kid is a problem and keep an eye on him but there is breakfast, diapers to change, and so on. There are only two teachers and 7-8 kids in the room. Ellie and one other girl (Emma) are both a lot smaller than this boy (he probably weighs 30-35 lbs) and he has no trouble knocking them over.
This boy is not leaving Ellie's room any time soon. Two of the bigger boys are, but not Axel. Also, the teachers don't seem to do much ("Axel, no" and then pick up the kid who is crying), but I'm not sure how much they can do. At one point, he started to knock Ellie over right in front of me and I raised my voice at him, which stopped him. As a point of comparison, I saw one other boy and one other girl do something bad (like push or forcefully take a toy from someone) the entire time I was there.
I had a long talk with the secretary at the daycare who basically told me to speak up and say something. I feel a bit awkward making waves on my second day, but since it deals with Ellie, not nearly as awkward as I might normally.
I'm not overreacting, right? I mean, I'm okay with a little pushing/shoving/biting and I'm sure Ellie will do her share. But that much in such a short time seems like a problem to me. Any ideas on how I approach the director? Anyone know what options are available to daycares for discipline? I'm guessing they are limited by federal law, but I'm not too sure how.
So, I'm at Starbucks, sipping a latte, enjoying free internet. Only instead of enjoying my time here, I'm typing away about Ellie. Ok, I clearly need advice. It's our second day at the daycare. I was there for a hour yesterday morning and an hour this morning. I'm overall very happy with how the place is run and how the kids are treated/cared for. However, I have an issue and I'd love some advice/suggestions on the best way to deal with it.
There's this boy in Ellie's class named Axel. In the two hours I have been in the room, I have seem him push Ellie down on the ground three times and shove her once. He has pushed another little girl down 3-4 times and pulled another little girl's hair twice. He sent this second girl flying by running into her (on purpose). She didn't just hit the ground, like she got knocked over. She actually flew a little bit before she hit the ground. In my opinion, the teachers were actually working to avoid this. They clearly know this kid is a problem and keep an eye on him but there is breakfast, diapers to change, and so on. There are only two teachers and 7-8 kids in the room. Ellie and one other girl (Emma) are both a lot smaller than this boy (he probably weighs 30-35 lbs) and he has no trouble knocking them over.
This boy is not leaving Ellie's room any time soon. Two of the bigger boys are, but not Axel. Also, the teachers don't seem to do much ("Axel, no" and then pick up the kid who is crying), but I'm not sure how much they can do. At one point, he started to knock Ellie over right in front of me and I raised my voice at him, which stopped him. As a point of comparison, I saw one other boy and one other girl do something bad (like push or forcefully take a toy from someone) the entire time I was there.
I had a long talk with the secretary at the daycare who basically told me to speak up and say something. I feel a bit awkward making waves on my second day, but since it deals with Ellie, not nearly as awkward as I might normally.
I'm not overreacting, right? I mean, I'm okay with a little pushing/shoving/biting and I'm sure Ellie will do her share. But that much in such a short time seems like a problem to me. Any ideas on how I approach the director? Anyone know what options are available to daycares for discipline? I'm guessing they are limited by federal law, but I'm not too sure how.