Dad's surgery postponed indefinately!

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Dad's surgeon came back in to see him today & she told him the surgery would not happen until his wounds on his feet cleared up! He has venous stasis ulcers on his lower legs & feet that they have been battling since March with little improvement. The surgeon even said that part of that healing problem was due to poor circulation because of his heart valve problem & that once it was fixed, the ulcers should heal fairly quickly! Now, all of a sudden she changes her feelings on it & won't do the surgery until the wounds heal over, if they do! I mean, they have been there since March with little improvement, why would they heal up now all of a sudden? She says she is worried about blood clots for some reason.

Not to mention, the fluid buildup that comes back on just about a monthly basis now! Dad was in pretty good spirits until now! Now he is telling mom to be sure his insurance is in order because surgery is being put off & now he will surely die because of his heart problem!

Seems it may be time for a second opinion! Problem is, choices are limited here in Shreveport & there is no way he can travel!
I'm sorry about all this mess ,your dad sounds like he is

getting depressed over this.Terrible,i don't know what to say

to make this better,is there some chance of a second opinion?

i will add some extra prayers and thoughts for all of you,keep

us posted please on your developments.((hugs)) to all.

zipper2 (DEB)
From talking to my dad last night, it almost sounds as if the surgeon is backing out alltogether! At least that is what he is thinking. If that is the case, I wish she would just say so rather than making up BS excuses! :mad:
Sorry to read this, i can't give you any advice but just wanted to wish you all the best of luck and i hope things improve for your dad very soon. Sending hugs and prayers.
So sorry to read this. Please keep us informed and know that our prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Sorry about your situation, a second opinion sounds like a good idea. It also sounds like you are not near them, is there any way you can get up there and be there when the surgeon comes round? Could be that in his distress/depressed state, he is only hearing half the story, or only passing on half the story , in both cases the half he wants you to hear!
Sorry to hear that. I am using Dr Chhabra at Willis Knighten north. You may want to check him out. I am very happy with him. My prayers will be with your dad.
I agree that it's time for a second opinion. About his surgeon, I would say, "Don't make her back out. Just leave."

His condition will not likely improve with time, and his heart certainly won't. There are plenty of excellent surgeons out there. Find one. Get your dad to someone who will give him a fighting chance.

Best wishes,
Sorry about your situation, a second opinion sounds like a good idea. It also sounds like you are not near them, is there any way you can get up there and be there when the surgeon comes round? Could be that in his distress/depressed state, he is only hearing half the story, or only passing on half the story , in both cases the half he wants you to hear!

We never know what time any of the docs or the surgeon will come by & I cannot afford the time off from work to wait all day...sometimes they show up in the morning, other times at 4 or 5 o clock in the evening!

Mom was there with him the last time the surgeon came by & broke the bad news about canceling the surgery.
My grandmother had an ulcer on her leg that would not heal due to her diabetes. They put her in a hyperbaric chamber to heal - maybe you can look in to that. Best wishes, I 'm so sorry that your Dad and your family has to go through this.
Doctor's visits are unpredictable. Will be possible for your mom to call you on cell or ? when the surgeon or doctor goes to see him...when my sister in NC had knee replacement surgery, she was having some problems. I asked her to call me the moment her doctor entered her room. She did, and I spoke to him and got all the answers I needed to know.

Good luck and will keep you in my prayers:)
Thanks everyone for your input! There are too many to reply to indicidually, but each one is being looked at! Thanks!

Dad was moved Friday to Promise Hospital which is a LTC hospital. He has been there a couple of times before so they know him & know his problems. The also have a great wound care team there & have told him there goal is to get them healed in the next month or two. They are also doing PT with him to help get his strength back up.

As far as the excess fluid goes, he is back down to his normal weight but they are planning on keeping him on the Foley & keeping a littler higher dose of diuretic to HOPEFULLY keep the fluid off!
Hi ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It has to be very disheartening for him and you. I am a paraplegic and i have been denied surgery due to pulmonary issues i also have. I also have a decubitus ulcer (bedsore). The way my doctor explained it to me, if you have any opening in the skin, such as a bedsore, they cannot do surgery since anything that could allow the possibility of infection, which could go to the new valve, will make it impossible to do surgery until it's healed. This is why all dental work has to be done also. This is more than likely why the doctor won't operate now. It's sort of a Catch 22 situation, but it would be terrible to have him get a new valve and then get a major infection in the valve.

Again, i'm so sorry and i hope some doctor is able to help your father.

Hugs and prayers,

Hi ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It has to be very disheartening for him and you. I am a paraplegic and i have been denied surgery due to pulmonary issues i also have. I also have a decubitus ulcer (bedsore). The way my doctor explained it to me, if you have any opening in the skin, such as a bedsore, they cannot do surgery since anything that could allow the possibility of infection, which could go to the new valve, will make it impossible to do surgery until it's healed. This is why all dental work has to be done also. This is more than likely why the doctor won't operate now. It's sort of a Catch 22 situation, but it would be terrible to have him get a new valve and then get a major infection in the valve.

Again, i'm so sorry and i hope some doctor is able to help your father.

Hugs and prayers,


Thanks for that explanation is one thing we were unable to get from the surgeon!