Dad's surgery is next week...

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...and he has put on about 20 pounds of fluid AGAIN! This happened about a month ago & they got the fluid off him using high dosages of Lasix through IV & it took over 2 weeks to get it off.

He went to see his general doc yesterday & he gave him another pill to take with his diuretic to help speed up the water loss. Why he went to his general doc I do not know! I told him he needs to call either the cardio's office or his surgeons office today & let one of them know what is going on. I am thinking they will probably want to pursue a faster means of removing all this fluid off him before surgery.

On Thurs the 11th, he is scheduled to have his Mitral Valve replaced as well as having at least a triple bypass done. Is something such as this fluid retention something that will postpone his surgery seeing as how the main cause of this problem is his heart? If it matters, his lungs were clear.
I'm sorry to read about your dad and i too had an i.v.

to push out fluids afew weeks ago in my legs up to my knees.

also the lasix was increased and another pill given for swelling.

So far my lungs are clear and when i asked my surgeon about this

when he called,i was told it wouldnot add any extra time to removing

the fluid before surgery,the iv did seem to help me alot.

I wish you all the best and am presently (waiting) for my call for surgery.

The fluid is a nusiance and very uncomfortable for all of us,Prayers out

to all of you,and the wait is hard especially with extra fluid we carry around.

zipper2 (DEB)
Don't know if the fluid would hinder your dad's surgery, but I think it is good that his lungs are still clear. My mom had CHF and fluid going into her lungs was a big part of what usually landed her in the hospital. I agree that your dad should let either his cardio or the surgeon know so they can start taking some steps to make his body less stressed with extra fluid. I will keep you and your dad in my prayers and hope that your pop has a good out-come.
Mom finally called the surgeons office this morning & they told her to call the cardio's office. She called their & the nurse asked a hundred questions, said that she would get with the cardiologist & call mom back...she is still waiting to hear something.

Dad's regular doc called this morning with his results from bloodwork they pulled yesterday. Everything looks fine except they stressed to mom to have dad drink lots of water. That has them worried that he may be looking at kidney problems :(
Whew! I hope your mom hears something definate real soon. As silly as it sounds my mom's doctor always told her to drink lots of water even though she was retaining water. Said it helped to flush out her kidneys so there would be less to little damage done. Go figure....
Hope your Mom hears soon and he is able to go ahead with the surgery on the 11th.
They finally heard back from the cardio yesterday afternoon & he had him come in this morning & he would squeeze him in.

The cardio said to double up on his diuretic plus take the other pill his regular doc gave him. He also said to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The cardio said not to worry about the fluid & that if needed, once in surgery, they could get the water off him while on the table, then proceed with his surgery. The cardio told him that something like a fluid buildup was not something to worry about as far as affecting his surgery.
They finally heard back from the cardio yesterday afternoon & he had him come in this morning & he would squeeze him in.

The cardio said to double up on his diuretic plus take the other pill his regular doc gave him. He also said to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The cardio said not to worry about the fluid & that if needed, once in surgery, they could get the water off him while on the table, then proceed with his surgery. The cardio told him that something like a fluid buildup was not something to worry about as far as affecting his surgery.

Glad you got some direction. I will keep your family in my thoughts on the
11th. Hope your dad has a speedy uneventful recovery.:)
Is he controlling his SALT intake?

Does he have 'hidden' sources of salt in his diet
such as Ham, Soup, processed foods, etc.?
His only problem with salt & sodium (& it is a big one!) is in canned goods. I have told him & mom over & over that if they are going to buy canned vege's & stuff to get the ones marked reduced sodium. Everytime I go over there though I check the pantry & sure enough, regular canned goods. This past weekend, I explained the label to him & showed him how much sodium was in one serving of that stuff out of the can & explained how the % daily values worked & that he probably does not need what is concidered "daily value" & that one serving of one vege gives him about 30% of that daily intake already...2-3 veges at one meal & he is already at the limit.

As far as adding salt, I do not think they even have a salt shaker in the house!
The canned and processed foods are HORRIBLE in terms of salt content. We make home made soups here and try to have some around all the time. It's so hard to avoid salty processed foods. I use veggie based cheese substitutes to cut down on dietary cholesterol, but they're heavy in salt. You can't win!

Dad was rushed to the hospital last night with difficulty breathing due to all the fluid on his chest & belly. He is really looking bad!

His cardiologist is seeing him today at the hospital so we should find out more later today.

Please keep him in your prayers!
all the most positive vibes coming your way from Denver. keep us updated
I just want to wish your father the best for his upcoming surgery on the 11th. That day is very dear to my heart as I had my 2nd OHS on that date 33 years ago! As for the fluid build up & whether they will be able to do the surgery, yes they can.

When I had my surgery back then, I had retained over 25 lbs of just fluid! About three weeks prior to the surgery, I could not even take a drink of water without spitting that out due to the excess fluid in my lungs & my entire body. At the end, I could not even walk on my own! I weighed close to 140 lbs going in the hospital & when I left 13 days later, I weighed 118 lbs! I was skin & bones.

My prayers are with your Dad!
Dad was rushed to the hospital last night with difficulty breathing due to all the fluid on his chest & belly. He is really looking bad!

His cardiologist is seeing him today at the hospital so we should find out more later today.

Please keep him in your prayers!

Any word??- We are worried and hope to hear soon.
Dad is still in the hospital & doing really well now! They are keeping him on a diuretic of some sort & he is filling up catheter bags left & right! He is breathing alot easier & getting around alot better now with the added weight gone off him!

Luckily, in the ER, they called his cardiologist & had him admit him so he is under the care of his cardiologist for all this rather than just one of the hospital docs. So, he is being seen a couple times a day by his cardiologist & his cardio-thorasic surgeon has even came to see him a couple of times over the weekend...that was the last I expected, for his surgeon to come over the weekend!

As of now, all plans are still go for surgery on Thursday AM...

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