CT Scan Results

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Jan 15, 2006
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
I just received my CT scan results and I am wondering how serious my condition is. I have had Echo and Angiogram and was told I have a BAV that has to be replaced. I also had a quadruple by-pass in 1994. I have been waiting since Nov. 16/05 for surgery date and getting impatient.

1) Aneurysmal dilation thoracic aorta. Measures 4.7 x 4.9 cm. in maximal dimension.
2) Tight stenosis origin RCA graft
3) Stenosis approx. 50% right distal RCA
4) Mild stenosis origin of diagonal SVG
5) The LIMA graft is widely patent throughout its course. There is some mild disease in the distal PDA beyond the graft.
6) Densily calcified aortic valve with decreased excursion of the valve leaflets on functional imaging.

Thanks in advance.
I have leaned more from this great site than from the Doctors.
My interpretation is that it should be very soon. Has he recommended a surgical consult yet? If not, I think I'd push for one.
Thanks Ross

I had consultation with the surgeon on Dec. 7/05 and even signed consent forms. He then asked me to have the CT scan which was on Jan. 11/06. On Dec.7/05 he told me surgery would take place in January but January is gone and when I phone his office they cannot give me an answer on when surgery will take place.
The cardiologist who did angiogram told me my condition was serious and should have surgery very soon.
Another thing is the surgeon recommended a Mechanical valve and he even showed me one but until I found this site I did not know there were so many manufacturers. I know there are probably people worse off than me but I would just like to know how long I have to wait.
Dougie I would press for an answer. I'm unsure if they are waiting for 5.0 or what, but with calcifaction and such, I see no need to be waiting. I'm betting their waiting on their magic 5.0 measurement though. If I were your surgeon, you'd be having it asap.
Hi there Dougie,,,

welcome to my world too....

Your CT results especially the measurement of your aneurysm are very similar to mine...my annie was 4.7 by 4.8....

I too would be pressing for more info and surgery very soon...
you have a half blocked RCA they did explain what an RCA is to you didnt they?

If you are older than me by 10 or more years you may be offered a choice of valve...age has a bit to say when it comes to valve-choice...

I will be a clicker/mechanical cos I am still kinda young and its the best choice for me..

And I also have a Bicupid Aortic Valve (BAV) ..

all the best...now get yourself involved and ask ask ask heaps of questions...more than likely someone here has been there and done that...
sounds like me

sounds like me

Your story sounds like mine, although I haven't been given a surgical consultation yet. I had no idea it can take so long to get a surgery done. Maybe it's insurance-specific.

I think my caridologust is waiting for 5.0cm as well, even though I have severe regurgitation, and my aortic root went from 4.2 in 2002 to 4.6 in 2006.

I even directed her to the following site: http://www.csmc.edu/5594.html which shows 4.5 as the standard for surgery with BAV, but she said she could not find a similar statistic in the literature so wants to stick with 5.0
Hi Dougie,

I read your post with concern. I hope you can find a way through the health system to get a quick date with the surgeon. Does the Canadian system have anybody who will act as an advocate for you?

Good luck and my best wishes.

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