Ct angiogram

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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
I had a CT Angiogram May 27th at local hospital. As of today, I have not heard back from the dr with these results. At first I was thinking, no news is good news but now I'm beginning to wonder. I got up the courage to call the dr's office a little while ago, and the receptionist said, let me pull your chart, then came back and said, yes he will call you, I'll put this on his desk. Now I'm getting very, very anxious and nervous that this could be some bad news. It's nothing I can do if it is, but I'm so worried now. I'm hoping I will not have to have other bad news to deal with other than the AVR!!! Keep me in your thoughts. What has everyone else experienced with having the CT Angiogram and getting your results, etc. Nervously waiting :(
Don't read anything into your conversation with the receptionist. Many doctors routinely call their patients with CT scan results, no matter what they are (at least good doctors do). So she put it on his desk as a reminder. That's all I get out of your conversation with her. Here's hoping for nothing bad at all.
Thank you, Nancy. I too hope it's nothing bad. Nothing worse than the AVR I already know about anyway. Blessings to you!
Hi Angel,
I had a CT angio done to determine if I could have a minimally invasive surgery. It was about 3 weeks later when I saw the surgeon again. I knew I was having surgery, so there were no surprises with the test. Have you had a cardiac cath? If so, there's probably nothing different that's been found on the CT. Was it your cardiologist or was it the surgeon who ordered the CT? If it was cardiologist, and you haven't seen a surgeon yet, your doc may be wanting to refer you to a surgeon. Let us know what your doctor says.
Thanks to everyone for your responses. Luana, my surgeon ordered the CT Angiogram. I did not have a catherization. My cardiologist and the surgeon agreed that the CT Angiogram would suffice. I will let you know, when I know. Looks like it will be at least another day.
I'm thinking if it were anything bad, you would have been called especially since the receptionist put the file on his desk. So keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I agree with Nancy and thinking positive thoughts for you - it struck me when talking to my surgeon.....it's life/death to us and pins/needles.... but just another day on the job to them!
I wouldn't read anything into it at all either. I had to call to get my echo results back in March - kept assuming they would call me (cause they said they would) but they never did. So I finally called and the receptionist went and found my records and had the doc call me the next day. There was no bad news at all - the only reason he didn't call was because there was no change since last time so he didn't think it was important to tell me (easy for him to say!).
Most Doctors do NOT allow their staff to give Test Results to patients.
They want to make the disclosers personally so they can PROPERLY interpret the results
and answer any Questions and Concerns.

Try to occupy your mind with something (anything) ELSE until you are called.
As Nancy and others have said many times before, there is NO point in worrying about "What If's".

'AL Capsahaw'
I agree with everyone else.. you know the old saying " No news is good news"
Personally I am pretty sure most doctors don't allow the receptionist to give you results over the phone. I believe if there was any urgency to the test results you would have gotten a call right away! Hope this helps buddy! :p
Thanks everyone! Not that I really thought she would give me the results, but the fact that he does need to call me is what gets me!
I think the receptionist just meant he needs to call you because she can't interpret the results for you - he has to. That would be my take anyway. I agree with everyone else - if it was something urgent, he'd most likely have already talked to you. Let us know tomorrow what he says.
ok, surgeon's nurse called me today, she said my surgeon's out of town now for a little over a week. So, she said my arteries were ok. Surgeon will be calling me, about 4 days before my surgery to discuss my valve, choice, etc. She said he did not mention my aorta, so here's hoping that it will not have to be replaced! Thanks everyone.
That's pretty much what happened w/ me too. My arteries were fine and my aorta just had mild enlargement (which I had to ask about - they didn't volunteer it because it was minor). And the surgeon did call me a few days before surgery to discuss valve choice and other things I'd asked about. Sounds like you're right on schedule ;) Keep us posted!

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